Critical Characteristics of New Literacy | Origin: ED134
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Literacy is Not an Option --> Critical Characteristics of New Literacy
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Interesting the same communication mechanics are involved between tribal drums and 5G networks, the SIP principle!
Technology has changed the literacy flow, the content and hopefully the outcomes for the better.
Changing thinking around literacy is important. I like the idea that literacy is more than just reading and writing. Literacy is really more, it is accessing information and opportunities. This make more sense in the world we live in and especially in the CTE classroom.
The rapidly changing reality of what literacy is requires updated and multiple types of input.
I'm not sure it's relevant in my situation as students have little access to technology in the classroom since they are in prison.
Whew! There is a lot in this one. My key takeaway is how the very nature of how meaning is constructed has changed through technology and the ways that it has altered the ways we interact and connect through our technological communications.
There seems to be a certain disconnect between my younger students and myself brought on not by age, but by technological aptitude. While telecommunication as a whole has certainly revolutionized the means of literacy, it is important that literacy still plays an important role of everyday life. It has not disintegrated with the advent of hypertext and the webpage, but instead has evolved with it, for better and for worse. This course has told me that in order for instructors to maintain literacy standards within the classroom, they must be open to the changes that have been brought on with it, something I certainly must implement in my own classes. Utilizing webpages with adequate resources and a concise logical flow will help students grow in their current education.
Visual Representation is essential in helping understand the logical flow and organization of the presented information. When introducing "new literacy," you are building on the foundation of traditional literacy, and for the content to be delivered and comprehended, they must be fluid in their relationship. Technology is a tool that must be used in correlation with reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
Even though New Literacy gives people a way to communicate via different methods with several people, the aspects of literacy, such as "listening," comprehension, and writing still apply so that communication is cohesive and understandable. This is struggle with all of the new online modalities offered.
I teach a drawing class and with tech these days it makes it so nice. I can make videos for students to review anytime and get help. Makes life lots easier.
New literacy is so much more far reaching and multidementional than the "old" literacy. However, as has been already posted, the students must consider the source of the information.
Technology can be a key factor in obtaining information and helping students.
Technological advances have also changed how we access information and disseminate it.
Advances in technoogy are meant to make our lives easier. Should advances in media technology make gaining literacy easier?
As long as the information is presented in easily digestible chunks, or interactions with other learners makes comprehension fun, balancing aspects of literacy is tricky since preferece usually goes to the most easily consumed.
I learned that although we already use multiple ways to communicate (send messages) we need to be sure to be intentional about how many different ways we send messages. Messages can be received via email, text messages, video, audio, etc. Technology is ever-evolving and we need to find ways to use technology to send and receive messages. Technology offers new ways to communicate literacy.
I think we naturally consider communication from a audio or written perspective, so it was interesting to learn about new literacy and visual literacy specifically. In graphic communications, visual literacy is a massive component of successful design, and more than ever connectivity is a standard educational element. I'd love to teach my students about how connectivity and literacy are connected, hopefully to propogate further investigation and interest in literacy skills.
I learned that literacy is multi-deminional.
I learned that literacy is important.
digital environment is our student's literature and video games are the stories that they are learning.