Derek Place

Derek Place

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It is important to use action verbs when developing well written course objectives.  I plan to use Bloom's as a guide when writing objectives.  It is also important to use a variety of objective types.  I will try this as well.  Lastly, I will remember to have the outcome in mind.  I will make it clear what i want my students to demonstrate at the end of the course and work back from that.

Safety is the number one priority.  Demonstrating safe procedures and use of machines in necessary.  Supervision of students in the shop is imperative at all times.  

Building community and relationships between student and teacher is important.  Students need to know you care about them.

There are many people available to support the CTE teacher and there are different people for different types of support.  Making connections and working with your mentor will help you be successful in a new teaching position.

It is important to be professional and set boundaries with your students.  Students are not peers.  The teacher needs to remain a role models.  The students are watching and learning for the CTE teacher.

Allowing students to investigate career pathways in high school will help them to choose an appropriate career pathway for them in the future.  Career and Technical Education helps students transition form the high school to employment.

Working with students who have learning disabilities to determine what strategies and accommodations are useful to them will help the teacher and the students to be successful.

Helping students to understand vocabulary related to a subject or content are an teaching them word application will help them with comprehension and understanding.

Effective classroom monitoring allows the teacher to connect with all students.

When forming student work groups it is important to create groups with diversity.

Connecting previous lessons to current lessons helps students understand what has been covered and how it connects to what is being taught in the present.

Creating an outline or plan of the points that will be covered in the class period helps student to know ahead of time what is going to be covered.

Floating around the room allows you to connect with students while you are teaching and check in on them to detemine their understanding or misconceptions.

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