Lois Daley

Lois Daley


Ideas in how to get graduates to engage in a timely manner and fill out the surveys as well as produce employment information.


Our school must have a defined mission statement that communicates its core value, goals and objectives are per its activities to promote trust and truth to its regulations that will allow for the students to have the finest outcomes for their career goals. These regulations must be a part of the day to day culture of the school.

Rehearse these good pointers to improve and grow my team.

Leadership engages the followers. Cohesive leadership gets negative reactions.

Irrespective of what is going on in the College, students should be validated and encouraged. 


Be more intentional about faculty attending orientation, 

Keep in touch with students. 

Make the Value Equation positive for the students


Stident Rentention is everybody's business on campus. 

The systems set up to identify 'at risk student', bored student versus the over-achiever is composed of the attention that is given to Attrition and an intention goal when grasping for students not to leave the educatonal institution. 


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