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Have you bookmarked a web site/page on your browser that you find helpful in your professional work? Do you use an online resource/tool/video that you've found useful for your work? Simply grab the URL and add it as a bookmark so your peers can also benefit from your collected resources. And make sure to describe the resource and solicit comments to maximize learning and outcomes.

Useful website

Our school system recently started using this learning managment system called Its Learning. It has everything on one site.


This site is all about scientific research into how the mind works. It’s written by a psychologist and author, Dr Jeremy Dean. The aim is to write simply and clearly about psychology so that anyone can understand it. 


This site is all about scientific research into how the mind works. It’s written by a psychologist and author, Dr Jeremy Dean. The aim is to write simply and clearly about psychology so that anyone can understand it. - See more at:

Color and Culture

Color is an important part of any design, but if you make a bad choice of colors your design can say something different than you intend it to. How colors are perceived depends a lot on the culture a person was born into, and with the below chart you can get a better sense of how the colors you choose affect your customers in various cultures. The chart lists colors and meanings that various different cultures associate with those colors. Note that in some cases, the color is also associated with another “thing” such as a “white dove” in western… >>>

I encourage students to use Wix to create e-portfolios that are required for a class I teach. It allows students to create web sites with templates, so they can focus on the content of the e-portfolios instead of the details of creating a web site.

Allen Krantz

This site contains many common grammar and word usage errors. I use use it as supplemental material for my communication class.

Creating a Bio

I truly believe that creating a detailed academic and personal bio to share with your students will place them more at ease with the  entire course.

Free Online Tool for Web Mockups

HTML/CSS based tool for fast prototyping of web designs.

Cardiac/pulmonary link

This link has short video clips and questions that shows great film and explanation of the cardiac and pulmonary system. It also has little games that the students can play to place all of the parts of the cardio and pulonary system in place.