Madeline  Sargent

Madeline Sargent

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I've learned that informational interviews are helpful to students because they create a more relax environment for student s to inquire about the company workplace, expectations, retention, and advancement. It's also best to begin practicing interviews as earlier as possible.

I've learned that it's key to create additional opportunities and support activities within the Career Services Department. I also learned that it important to cater to the entire student population (online and on-ground) when developing resources in Career Services. 



I've learned that Career Services Department is just as instrumental in student success as Admissions, Financial Aid, Student Services and Education. That having a successful and fully inclusive Career Services Department is key to high retention graduate and employments rates. 



Today, I was reassure that management styles should not be all encompassing for supervised staff. I've learning that managers should take the time to learn their individual employees because they each bring a different benefactor to the organization. In such managers should always self-evaluate and reflect prior to meeting with their employees because often times the reflections and actions are projected onto their employees, and can lead to conflict, resistance or push-back. I also learned that managers should conform to positive daily productive process because their actions and attitudes often contribute the to the daily environment and success of the… >>>

Be sure to create an effective environment by being a good instructor by developing a teaching presence, social presence, and establish a response time for your students even if they do not ask questions continue communication is the key to online success. 


Time Management is key and there must be an extreme need to set a work-life balance along with block out times for research, assignment posting, and responses because without such workload management instructors are more likely to experience burn-out.


This module is extremely important for persons directly associated with the leadership and management of online course development, and instructional policy and procedures. It serves as a foundation for policy development and time management for instructors delivering online courses as it provides insight into course preparation, establishing a course presence, engages students, utilizes emails, discussion threads, online chats, and time management which leads to structure, and the timely delivery of information. 




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