Activity Feed Discussions Blogs Bookmarks Files

Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.


Learning about online learners helped me to understand how to engaged different students with different learning styles. I now feel more confident in addressing behaviors among students online. 

Online Teaching

I'll make sure I use these skills in order to make my online teaching life easier for me.

Using videos and color in Announcements

I have realized that including a video that provides useful content to the student regarding instructions and/or course materials has been extremely effective.  I have also added color and images to my announcements to grab the students attention.

Developing My Online Course

I have a course that my college would like to transform to an online platform.  I have just completed my 3rd course related to online teaching and I am feeling more confident than ever to build it!


I plan to review the current course content, learning objectives, and assess the techonology and features of our LMS.  Then I will do some research on possible outside tools and features I can incorporate (videos, gamification tools, etc).  Finally, I begin builidng the course and may complete a few "test runs" with student who have taken the in-class verision before and gain… >>>

Ho to assist falling behind students

One of the main points of teaching online is how to assist students who are falling behind/


The platform of Canvas along with resources and technology that ECPI implements to assist both students and Instructors is the key point to success. It provides instructors with various options on how to assist students who are falling behind. 


I spend extensive time especially on the first week in the course with students who are falling behind. I try to find the real reason why they are lagging and what their life circumstances are, in order for me to be able… >>>

Scaffolding in the ONLINE environment is VITAL...

When you do not have the opportunity to speak in a lecture to your students about the "pearls" they should take from the lesson they are on, scaffolding becomes your means to make sure these ideas are conveyed.    

I have many scaffolding tools I have collected over the years with teaching Billing and Coding online, which, I must admit, at one time, I never thought possible.  I still would like to see pass rates of online classes compared to on ground classes just to satisfy my own curiosity.

It is important to not limit your tool of use for… >>>


I really enjoyed this class probably more than any of the others I have taken. It really gave me a lot of information that I am excited to look at including the websites of tools for my students! We are starting a new LMS next week so this will incorporate nicely into our next adventure!


I will incorporate what I have learned regarding assisting students in the online environement in my future courses- very informative course. Thank you

Applying Skills for Teaching Online

The Online Teaching Techniques course was very helpful!  I will be applying some of the principles presented in the course to my traditional (hybrid) classroom-style courses that utilize an online CMS for course materials, discussion posts, etc.

Online teaching Plan

I have some experience on online Teaching.

Setting Clear expectations and  timely feedback is very important for online classes

My influence


This course reminded me of the importance of my influence as an online instructor in my course. It is very important to project my authority and presence from a distance for my online students.  As I was completing this training, I realized that I always have these four different types of learners in my course. This training taught me how to deal with my noisy learners by sending them an email personally to advise them to remain on the existing thread. For my quiet learner, I can ask them a direct question to have them share their ideas or… >>>

EL 104

Good informaiton obtained in this module! Will help with chosing technology to use in the online classroom.

EL 104

This was a great module that refreshed my memory with online features that I do not always use. 


Online Teaching

I discovered several tools/activities that I will incorporate into my classes. A couple of examples are:

* I will send a personal email at the end of the first week of class. The email will go to each student individually and will include something that they mentioned in their initial post. I will ask for the best number and time to reach them and give them my contact information, the best ways to reach me and the hours I am available. I will also include a motivational quote.

* The second thing I will include in my upcoming courses is… >>>

wisdom, best practices, action plans, successes and challenges

I feel the best practice with the online classes is to stay in touch with the student and make sure that you are there for them.


Anytime we have an opportunity to learn how to better manage our time is win-win. We must always look for the value in these learning experiences. 

On line teaching

I enjoyed this course actually.  I have found teaching on line to be quite effective.  I was an on-line instructor for an OPEN LAB for ASN students.  It was not a mandated lab, but once you registered it became mandatory for them.  I started with 6 students, and then word of mouth got out and my class was average about 37 students per class.  It was amazing.  I have kept track of the statistics on the learners who graduated, took their exit exams and passed NCLEX RN.  My on-line teaching and the way I projected my teaching these students all… >>>

Online Learners in a flipped classroom

Our university has recently started a "flipped classroom" with online lessons and then a classroom for adult learners to actually do activities like "design" in the classroom and study at your own pace at night.


This is slighted modifed from the the EL 104 course but many of the discussions on organization and facilitation are all important to student learning.


Self and peer assessments are a valuable tool to improve student learning.  This is a valuable tool to assist students in the workforce when being evaluated. 

Course Syllabus

By taking this course, I realized the importance of an interactive sylabus. This ia a great idea, and I plan to implement that in my course. I also would like to incorporate self- and peer- evaluations.