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I enjoyed learning about Course Management Systems 

Online learning is very accomodating for the instructor and the students. It would be a great experience to provide education through online. I need to familiarize myself and know the platform so my delivery method would be efficient. Some of the aspects could be challenging but once everyone has hands-on experience the online instruction would be a great opportunity.


I learned that being knowledgeable of the course management system;all of the components and how they work is the key to being a successful online teacher.  Not every teacher will approach the information the same but as long as you stay on topic and know the course outcomes, it will be ok. 


Familiarity with the course structure and knowledge of the ways to deliver course content matter.


To familiarize myself with all the details of the e-learning system and try to put myself in the students place to anticipate what questions they may have.


I have learned the importance of intellectual interaction.


I intend to ensure there is intellectual interaction by ensuring the student online interaction examines what they learned from the lesson. I can ask questions in the midst of the lesson, ask students to give examples based on what they learned, or create an engaging activity that requires students to reflect on what they learned.

It is crucial that as an online instructor there are various ways to maintain class interaction and communication.  Not only is it important to become comfortable with CMS but, engage and constantly encourage our students as they regain confidence.

With regard to EL102 content so far, I feel that "presence" is the crucial term for student success. We have many tools to make ourselves present to students, including but not limited to video. Finding meaningful ways to give feedback and increase instructor presence is my goal for this portion of the course.


It is important to connect and create a sense of community. 



This is my first time instructing from an online platform. I will be utilizing the chat feature regularly to assess student engagement, critical thinking, and topic comprehension. I'm looking forward to the challenge and learning from this experience. 

Be familiar with all aspects of delivery techniques and strategies.  Utilize different techniques to keep the student engaged in the online course. 


It is important to evaluate your students comfort level with online platforms or CMS so that they will successful


I plan to be available to help support my colleagues and my students.

Structure and communication is key in e-learning. As an instructor it is helpful to supply detailed learning resources and information regarding how to access material and posting in a timely manner.

These are good topics for me to learn the online teaching. Especially before I get to familiarize on our course management system. I am eager to learn the many ways I can communicate to my students online and effectively make their learning experience a successful one.

I agree that if an instructor has confidence in the course management then the students will feel more supported.

Since online instruction is different from face-to-face instruction, navigating through the CMS is a very important task; one when designing for lerning via asynchronous discussions, the  instructor must encourage students to post meaningful information. I will apply this helpful aspect to my online teaching of instruction.




First to understanding the online platform to successfully deliver the e-learning structure. Responding in a timely manner to the students responses. 

I learned it's important to listen and respond to the prospective student's questi0on. Not give a canned answer.

To present an online coarse where content is easily accessed by the students and support is easily accessed as well if any issues arise, thus allowing the students to learn content, rather then stressing with IT issues of the online coarse.

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