Maria Wittenkeller

Maria Wittenkeller

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Keeping students on course with the on line class, there are a lot of challenges that may disrupt the flow and amount of learning during the class.  Different types of personalities that contribute to the disruption of the class and how to help guide each personaltiies back to the goal and successful completion of the course is challenging, but achievable.

Feedback is good to receive, especially if I am lacking in one area where students have experienced with me.  Asynchronous discussions allows students to be more engaging, especially if the students are shy.  Synchronous discussions may hinder the shy students from participating because of intimidation from students that are more active.

Intruction of myself to the students is key.  Establishing my authority and history of my expertise will allow the students to have confidence in who they are receiving coarse content from.  Making the students feel comfortable and confident in the coarse of study will help potentiate learning.

To present an online coarse where content is easily accessed by the students and support is easily accessed as well if any issues arise, thus allowing the students to learn content, rather then stressing with IT issues of the online coarse.

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