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The three ways to better your rentetion is to 1, listen tother student's situation. Maybe you can resource that student to the right dept. to help him. 2 follow throu to let the student know that you have some concern to his situation and 3, foloow with the sesource that you sent the student for help to see if anything has been resolved. I beleive this will keep our rention up.

1. Identify students within the classroom setting that may be experiencing issues both academically and socially that may be interfering with couse success.

2. Address issues directly with student to identify what course of action may or must be taken either at the instructorial or staff level.

3. Follow up with student and staff on regular intervals to make minor corrective actions to benefit the student's successful outcome.

1. Housing is a big issue , since most of our students come from out of state , this is 1 issue that always needs to be discussed .

2. Transportation would be the next topic , since alot of students have part time jobs and have to pay rent and can't always afford to own a vehicle.

3. Means of survivel , like having enough income to live while away from home .

A good list, Antonio. What are you going to do to address the topics?

1. Always being open minded with them .

2. Work side by side with them , setting the example .

3. Never ask them to do something that you would not do yopurself .

I plan on devoting more time to Advising, Mentoring and Tutoring students, especially those in need.

Larry, have you thought though the mechanics of this? How will you identify those in most need? Where will you provide these services?

Actually, we use a program called SIJ (students in jeopardy). We track students with low grades, a lot of missed time and any skipped courses. This helps us identify those in need. Now I just need to find students in my class to help.

Set up a suggestion box for students to see what is the common point to improve upon.
Next, i would meet with education director,mangers,and student services to come up with a plan to go about improvement ideas.
Finally,implement the ideas and see how the students take to the adjustments made,based on there suggestions.

Does your campus have a suggestion box now, John? If so, how will you get students to offer suggestions?

Getting students to actually use a suggestion box can be challenging, but your plan could lead to quick, positive results by involving the decision makers. Without that, the box won't be used. Good luck.

I have learned through taking this course that a few practices regarding early intervention need to be rethinked.
1. we need a way the student can make us aware they feel they need help

2. stop lecturing those students we have identified as at risk

3. work on building a culture of student success

1. Our company is about to roll out an initiative to help students struggling with living expenses; at this time this is the #1 retention issue.
2. Three of our campuses have tested a "Student Advocate" position. An instructor is taken out of rotation and spends time interacting with the students on a casual basis and is invovled in most of the interactions with support departments.
3. Early intervention. We are culling all our data sources in an attempt to find the right combination of data to allow us to spot struggling students earlier. We've made success but believe we still have a ways to go.

It's great to learn of schools being aggressively proactive. How has the Student Advocate program worked? How do you select the instructors to fill this role? What do they do when students are in class? Sounds like a program with a lot of potential.

Program is still in it's infancy but appears to be improving the student experience. The next step is to define the position and expectations. The current instructors were hand-picked by the Education Directors based on their experience and passion for the program. The instructor is expected to spend a portion of the time in classes (we are heavily lab based) interacting. This way he/she can help the student learn and build a relationship at the same time.

1) Learn the student's personality.
2) Gauge their daily moods
3) Counsel them if they need advise from instructor.

1. Start training for instructors on how to identify those students at risk and how to effectively communate to them about there problems.

2. Help create a web-based program for students who do not feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and problems with an instructor but are in fact asking for help with something.

3. Try to appeal more to the newer students comming into school not to bottle up any issiues

1. Constant contact with student.
2. Up to date grade book
3. Good follow up.

1. Make myself focus more on the students that show signs of discontent.

2. Make sure my instructors keep me informed of any student issues.

3. Have a staff meeting and share information I learned in this course with my team.

1. Discuss possible ways to make or save more money so a student can stay in school. Having been a college student who needed to work while going to school I can relate to them how there decisions could impact there education.
2. Try to help them see the need for help before it's to late.
3. Make them fully aware of the help that is available for them IF they just ask. They pay into it so they should use it. The instructors here also have a fund the students can draw from if they really need it.

Yes i am and it will help me be a better instructor

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