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Finding the right job is essential for your career growth, personal development, and overall well-being. Also, employment teaches students about responsibility and can also reinforce what they are learning in school.

I like the idea of "googling yourself" and was shocked at the 50% of available jobs are a hidden job market! 

Branding your skills, education and strengths is a great way to stand out as a candidate. Keeping an organizational map/chart of potential employers and learning about the kind of businesses a student wants to work in is a great place to have record of communications and progress steps.

Having students "Google" themselves because most employers will be doing the same. I have always done this but didn't really realize it was such a common standard.

I think it's a great idea to have the students Google themselves to see what is out there and what potential employers may see.  Also good to have them consider all of their social media accounts and ensure there is nothing on any account that would seem negative to an employer.  Watch for silly email names and usernames as well!  I also like the idea of searching outside of online job postings, as well as keeping everything organized.

The importance researching prospective employers and successfully preparing for interviews.

It never crossed my mind to google oneself but, it makes perfect sense.

Keeping track of job leads is what we urge our students to do and also print out different job offers made by different companies, to allow the student to compare and make an educated decision, which company they want to work for.

I think one of the most helpful things for my students will be making a plan. Identifying their own resources, assessing their skills and  familiarize themselves with the processes of the job search.  So much of this seems like common sense to me but I have to recognize that I have years of experience and my students do not.

I've never thought of telling students to create an email signature for themselves for self-promotion but it makes perfect sense!

Helping with confidence is key 

Branding yourself is important.

I love the idea of roll playing to help the students get comforitable with the activities that they will need to perform during the job searh. I have a guidance lesson called The Game of Life that includes job searching activities. Many of the concepts taught in this lesson will help make the career piece much better.


It surprised me that 50% of job openings are not posted.  That section was helpful to understand how students can find those hidden opportunities.

So far in this module, I have learned that it’s very important for your students to spend time upfront organizing their thoughts,  employment needs and must-haves.  I will use the resources in this module to help guide my students through the process of their employment journey. Another takeaway is to remind students that their social media footprint can be impactful on their employment search. Be aware of how you present yourself in all venues.

I learned that there are many other ways to research and find availab;e jobs besides the "traditional" want ads. Nowadays, people can find jobs on social media. Also, I learned that many jobs are not event posted and that reaching out to potential employeers (by email is preferred) can help lead to a job.  


I enjoyed reading through this section. I never thought of how the signature of your email is self promotion. This is a great tool for if you are interested in networking and might have the connections via email, but not on your linked in network yet. 

I think going over the basic professionalism of email communication and in-person drop ins is important for students to remember. First impressions go along way and not being prepared before entering a company or sending the email can pose a problem.



There were two things that stood out. First, 50% of jobs are unadvertised. I would never have thought the number to be so high. Secondly, the idea of googling yourself. Those two things will serve me well as I work with students.

I learned that there are a multidude of ways to help students find career opportunities. Not just by following up on job boards but by utilizing their inital networks of friends and fellow students. By educating students the proper methods to ask about job opportunites they can further improve thier chances of success. 


I liked the idea of of having the students break down what they are looking for. It will help them have a more targeted search. 


I think it is important in this day and age for students to know that social media presence is important and can have a negative or a positive impact on there employment search. Its important for students to know that anything released on the internet by them can impact them in a very positive or negative way, whaich will hopefully make them careful of what they allow to happen under their names.

During this module I learned that if students are unsure on a potential career, assessments and deep-thinking is one of the first steps. Students should think deeply on what they are passionate about and also what they value as individuals. 


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