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Exiting with Grace | Origin: CM151

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Onsite Visits – Be Ready Anytime --> Exiting with Grace

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

Durante el exit meeting el point of contact puede (y es recomendado) tomar notas para preparar las respuestas y planes correspondiente.


I've learned that you should not argue with the on-site visitors during the exit interviews. Gracefully thank them for their review and wait for their final report.

I learned the correct way to reply to finding during a visit, which is " Thank you, we will look into your findings and look forward to seeing the full report."

Make sure all documentation is correct. If you have an issue or missing information remain calm, ask for a better way to fix the issue.

Conducting an exit is a critical component of the on-site visit, be sure to remain professional and let the evaluator know you look forward to the final report.

This unit continues the theme of interacting professionally with the visitor. Do not argue and listen carefully during the exit interviews. If there is a disagreement you will have an avenue for appeal. 

The leaderships can ask politely any area of the exit that was not clearly understood. In a very respectful way.

It is encouraged to ask for clarification on any findings needing additional response 

It is OK to ask for clarification when the on site visitor is stating their findings and any areas of concern. 

Learn that you can appeal the final decision. 

Learn the way to strength your facility. 

Comment on Letian M. Oliveras Concepcion's post: Una actitud positiva hace la diferencia al momento de la entrevista de salidad. 

Expect always that there will be something that the visitors would like to be clarified on. Just answer respectfully.


You can fill out an apeal if you dont agree with the final report. 


on the  exit interview  onsite visitor usually  explain  deficiencies that were identified during the  visit and the possible scope of required corrective actions.

ZI learned that you do not want to get in an argument with the on site visitor, answer the question to the best of your ability, take notes and ask uestion if you did not hear or understand something.

Be ready for the final exit interview. Do not argue about their findings . 


At the exit meeting the point of contact can make notes that will help during the responsd or submit corrective plans.


This inforamtion was very descriptive of the site visits. it will be very helpful during the process.

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