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Product knowledge and industry knowledge is essential when presenting value.  

It's definitely important to have visual elements to keep prospective students engaged.


The framework for the value presentation was helpful: overall theme, attributes and benefits, points of difference, and program knowledge. I also liked the various worksheets to help identify and write down these points. 


I learned about the framework (sort of like a formula in my own mind) for a comprehensive presentation. Not just winging it.

I have always used visual aids that I make and I find that it helps SO much. Especially graphic organizers and calendars for students who need planning for entrance exams.

What I got out of this training the MOST was the Program Knowledge Worksheet, which I did on my own, but I have to look a few things up, such as graduation rates for that specific program. I felt that the worksheet was an effective way to truly see if you know what you are talking about. It was great because it gave me overall information AND nitty gritty details. It showed me what my knowledge gaps are for each program and how I can fill those gaps. 

In addition, I learned more about how Attributes and Benefits play off each other with each student.

I learned that having work sheets really makes value identification and presenting so much easier.

Great worksheets to utilize when in the admissions meeting with a prospective student and a great way to refresh your memory or edit key components such as attributes, benefits, presenting value, and product knowledge.  

When you decide to  incorporate the overall focus, attributes and benefits, relevant points of difference, and program knowledge. You made the difference because the framework is the way to preparing for the value presentation.

Challenges represent an opportunity for the admissions professional to provide resources to students.

Value presentation shows the student that you are genuinely interested in what builds value for that and what your school may have that aligns with that value mixed with -you- (your personality). It is an effective way to demonstrate that you understand what is important to the prospective student and allows for the chance to continue to build value on things that the student may not have even realized with important to them and their success as a student. 


Value and presentation help shape and formulate success to maximize the students willingness to move forward

Comment on Hanifa Schlinger's post: Having an Admissions Presentation with all the Information of the school and Benefits, helps the Representative feel prepared with presenting information to a prospective student

Overall I really liked the worksheets and the idea behind identifying benefits, whether it was the benefits of the company, or the benefits specifically tailored to the students. I also really liked the framework of the presentation. Presentations are great way to highlight and show off what your academy has to offer, but without a proper framework, your presentation may lack the proper value and benefits. 

Checking in throughout the admissions visit is crucial, especially to ensure the student is understanding the material and the parents are seeing value. 

Understanding the value presentation and what is needed to  complete it was very helpful. 

Is very important that the admissions representative present different tools such as values, attributes, benefits that help prospectives student help clearly visualize what he want

Check-in questions are very helpful, and should be utilized throughout the admission's process with a student.

I think understanding your product and the features and benefits are key for an Admissions Professional. We have to be so good at informing our prospective students that they have all of the information they need to make their decision to enroll.

Getting to know your student and what is important to them can help you tailor your approach to the student in a way that addresses their needs.

I understand the points of difference are important to our prospective student.

Implementing visual aids into your presentation helps with engaging the prospective student and also making sure to address both the student and whoever they may bring with them to the appointment. They can help in reassuring the student on their decision if they are also briefed on the value and benefits.

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