Teresa Cardona

Teresa Cardona

About me



Not all prospects student know exactly what they want.  I think the officer must be prepared to attend and with his presentation be able to help define himself

Is very important that the admissions representative present different tools such as values, attributes, benefits that help prospectives student help clearly visualize what he want

to assist anyone interested in the admission process to explain the procedure and requirements that help them understand the complete procedure. 

I learn the important of been a team member and be as happy and cooperative posible

I strongly think that working with others is the best think.

I have learned how to deal with different gernerations.

Is important to understand the behavior of the different generations, and how to communicate with them effectively.

I have learned from this mode obtaining up-to-date information, check list and transferability of credits. 

I have leard all advertising methos they are using for oportunities.

I learned the importance of having a check list before interview, and the importance to be clear with the information any requirement and quilification to attend the institution and get job. 

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