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I've learned about the Perkins Funds and the history of CTE. In addition, I've learned about POS Design Framework components and how they apply to my program.


I've learned that CTE is a symbiotic relationship between private and public partnerships.  There must be coordination to assure a thorough and complete learning experience.


I appreciate seeing the direct connection from legislative promotion of CTE efforts to community/business partners and our secondary programs in CTE.


i found the history of CTE particulary inriguing in regard to access and equity. As CTE has grown in this area through the years, I look forward to seeing how we continue to grow in our understanding and efforts to bring high quality CTE to all people. 


I have learned more about CTE history and pathways.

I gained an understanding about CTE and its history. I really didnt know about its great history. I have a fonder understanding and appreciation for CTE and developing the future careers of the next generations.


This is actually my second year of teaching. Much of the content of this modle has been implemented within my framework for student learning and success. What was most relevant to me, however, was a clearer understanding of the Perkins 5 legislation and what impact that can have on the on-going assessment of the course of study within the advanced career programs our educational institution provides. There is untapped funding I was unaware of that will strengthen the current program. This I am very excited about as I teach a hands-on curriculum and the equipment used in laboratory is in great need of an update. 

THe development of CTE as a standardized aspect of post secondary education is a natural outgrowth of the appreticeship model of the past. The ability of these programs to evolve to meet the needs of the work force is a key to our flexible economy. The twelve elements will help me to assess my program and to provide a bridge to employment or further study by my participants.



I learned the history behind CTE.  Also learned that it is important in developing pathways that help students down a career path.  


I've learned that there are so many different ways to incorporate CTE. I also learned that I need to spend more time looking into different options because there is so much information that is available. I know that I need to make the connection that is necessary for learning at the secondary level so that students are able to make better decisions with selections at the post secondary level which can hopefully help with a career path. 


I am a CTE Director with over 35 years of experience in CTE.  I am taking this class, because I want to offer it as PD for any new CTE teachers who come to our district.  I think the content and format so far are very helpful.  This is an amazing resource!


The history of CTE is interesting; I am wondering about the origins of tracking as I have heard that early trade schools tracked students of color and immigrants into lower wage industries while middle class and wealthy whites were tracked into higher education. 

I do think it is helpful to see how national, state, and local efforts contribute to CTE as a whole. This broad view of CTE as a national effort helps me feel like I am part of a much bigger community.

I hadn't realized how long CTE had been a part of the educational structure of this country, or how diverse the areas it covers. 

I have a better understanding of what CTE is about and I want to be able to have enogh knowledge to be of assistance to my students.


It was interesting that the beginning of this course put a lot of emphasis on how parents feel about the CTE program. I'd be interested to hear more about how teacher's who have implemented CTE courses in the classroom feel it has prepared their students for the future.

As someone else posted I did not realize all that goes into CTE.  I injoyed learning about the career clusters (that secondary/postsecondary have that much contact to make the career path seamless), and the high quality CTE framework


I learned how importaint CTE is for our country and how an early start makes all the difference. I also learned the history of CTE and its humble beginings. 

As a healthcare professional and a former CTE high school student. I really appreciate  the support that has been given to CTE programs to ensure that students have the resources necessary to provide opportunities for students to explore game changing career readiness skills 


I think iCTE is so important because it can help prepare students for future jobs.


I am the product of a successful CTE expierence.  I like to offer kids the options in learning that CTE has.  More and more jobs are available in CTE than ever before.

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