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We do have a frequently asked questions on our home ITT page and the SON page. We also have a printed list of question that are covered in the interview process. I too have sat in on one of the recruitment sessions and have learned a lot. Now doing this course I see how these rules helped shape the format of our presentation.

We aim for consistency in the presentations. Power Point, written script, standardized handouts help us achieve this goal. Our goal, of course, is to present consistent, correct, and complete information. This helps students or future students make an informed decision based on the correct facts.

Yes, everyday we have an hour meeting going over FAQ's. It helps our whole team to refresh and know as much information as possible.

Why do we in the field of Education scrutinize to the nth degree private for profits institutions of education while allowing our state’s public and private ‘Universities and Colleges’ to violate rules and regulations pertaining to ‘recruitment’ of students?

I am in training so not sure if we at that point yet. I have worked at another school so it is about the same.

Hello John,
Our school provided us not only "frequently asked questions" but an extensive 1 week on site and 1 week centralize training in admissions. During this process we went over many things that students frequently ask and specific what we call"Red Flags" to not discuss. We also, went through role playing and policies.

One of the interesting things that occurs here at our admissions is we get what we called shopped and then are graded as to how we do against a standard scorecard. This includes a multitude of sections including regulatory and customer service.

I can honestly say that I felt very prepared by our university to be a member of the admissions team.

I truly hope other schools have this type of training for their admissions officers.

Phil Liberatore


The rules and regulations discussed in CM202 apply to school's licensed by the Ohio State Board of Career Colleges and Schools. Public colleges in Ohio are under the jurisdiction of the Ohio Board of Regents. Decisions about what regulations apply to different types of schools are made by the Ohio legislature and enacted in the Ohio Revised Code.

John Ware

yes, we actually have a page for the students that they receive in their admissions packet of FAQs. it provides the answer and is given to employees as well so we are fully prepared

Yes, the school where I am employed does include FAQs in the training and support manual. This manual is given to all new hires and is used during and post-training.

Yes we are trained on the most frequently asked questions and given an actual list. This continues to grow. It seems that there is a pretty standard list of concerns that lead to the same questions, you might get a curveball here or there and that's where the resource book comes in handy.

Yes, this is a very important part of the training that we are put through. The FAQs are discussed in much detail.

Yes, our school provides answers to frequently asked questions.

Yes, it's available to all of the Admissions Reps. They give us what we must say, what we can say and what we should never say. Very good information.

Yes, I have received a list of FAQ's. They seem focused on not implying, promising, or garanteeing anything. Probably for the purpose of only giving truthful and compliant answers.

I have been well taught by my school and at their own expense. They brought me out to the school and intensely taught me. They indeed taught me answers to frequently asked questions.

Not really....but I have created my own little "cheat sheet" of questions that come up alot, so I have accurate answers.

Yes they do. These frequently asked questions may be open-ended, reflective or closed-ended and when asked to the students in conversation as well, provide excellent communication about the objectives of the student and what they would like to accomplish. This helps identify any potential issues that may arise and our ability as representatives to assist the prospective students think about how they may overcome any issues or barriers to attending college so they may move forward in the process.

Yes the school have a website for agent to read over from previous admissions process in which agents can refer to.

Yes of course. Our school has an entire document titled FAQs that we have to study. It has all the basic questions that a student would ask. It shows a suggested response, some things you may want to include,and of course some stuff you never want to say. It is very helpful. We have to study the material and take a test on it to make sure we understand basic information.

I do not believe that I am given a list of frequently asked questions that prospective students usually ask in the admissions process, but if one question cont. to be asked, my director of admissions would let the team know of it during one of our meetings.

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