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Yes. We have FAQ worksheets that are reviewed and updated frequently to ensure that we are addressing the concerns of prospective students properly. I think these are also good indicators as to the mind set of the public and can help my school in shaping their marketing and approach to students to ensure their concerns are met up front, open and honestly.

Yes. As a recent graduate and brand new employee, on my first day, I was able to sit in on multiple admissions appointments and each and every time a prospective student had a question, not only did the admissions representative answer the question in a professional and appropriate manner, he also guided the student to a list of questions our school has found to be commonly asked and was able to elaborate on the answer given on the FAQ sheet in a very understandable manner. I was very impressed by this and after the appointment thought back to my college days and wished I was given the same information and the same courtesy and guidance that our admissions representative gave this prospective student. Upon leaving the appointment, not only did the prospective student thank our admissions representative for all the information, she was excited to share all she had learned with her family. We wished her a very good day, told her to call or stop by if she thought of any more questions that she may have not listed on the FAQ sheet or if she wanted more detail regarding an answer on the FAQ sheet, and told her we would follow up with her and hoped to see her soon.

Are there any more suggestions or tips on how to answer questions and refer to the FAQ sheet?

Yes. My school is extremely good on preparing agents for "FAQ's"

Yes. There is a sheet of FAQ's that is readily available when talking to prospective students.

Absolutely. Our DOA is always available to answer any questions during the process or to direct us to the department who can best answer the questions at hand.

My position at my school is more of an initial contact; I set the appointments between the prospective student and a resident representative whom actively does the recruitment. I'm actually not allowed to 'sell the school' because I don't have the training. I only 'sell the appointment'.

yes, that way you csn give the students the proper information

yes they are very effecient and provide many answers to questions

Yes, there is information on how to answer student concerns and how to answer questions they may have available.

Yes. I am constantly surprised by what students and parents ask. It has to be an FAQ with emphasis on frequently.

Our school has provided me a guide for addressing frequently asked questions. Many of our students arrive here from out-of-state and come from a variety of backgrounds (including no support from family members). Having the guide allows me to be better prepared to anwser their questions.

Our school does provide us with answers to 'frequently asked questions' via DOA, Campus Director and other Admissions Representatives - all are avidly available to assist.

Yes, the campus does provide each agent with a complete list of potential questions and answers to frequently asked questions. This helps to facilitate conversation with the prospective student and provides immediate information to make an educated decision on enrollment.

Yes they do. There are usually standard questions that get asked alot. This is a great tool but it's important to remember the most FAQs will change as this industry changes.

It is important to accurately answer students questions, and it helps by having already discussed that information with the school.

Yes! In order to stay in compliance we have a specific answer for if students ask about placement rates, financial aid, etc. It is very specific for what we can and cannot say.

yes they have come up with a Q and A fact sheet of the most frequently asked questions that students ask

Yes, its part of our training and we have a complete script that guids us.

Not only are a number of FAQs readily available, there are compliant appropriate scripts with regars to sensitive information and questions. There are limits and restrictions about what I can talk about or address.

Yes. We received an extensive packet that outlined possible question scenarios when interacting with potential students. This information was very helpful in understanding the wide range of information of which agents must be knowledgeable.

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