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Coaching Skills | Origin: ML118

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Coaching Skills

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

Coaching is process involving active listening, timely feedback, and discerning when to give directives versus coaching.  When enhancing listening skills you can then know when the process can best be implemented.

Coaching is a great way to motivate and to gain trust in your employees without being so negative

I am excited to implement some of the strategies I learned. I like the idea of giving specific feedback with a job well done instead of just assuming they know what parts were done well. I also am excited to implement more of "these are the behaviors I am observing and this is how they are negatively affecting the team. How can I help in this situation?" 

The way in which we present our feedback is critically important for successful coaching sessions. If we aren't careful with our words, we might put the employee on the defensive which automatically voids the benefits of any subsequent message we try to deliver. 

The reflection questions and asking those to your direct report to help them uncover where they are at and the next steps instead of directly telling them their next steps, I think this will be largely beneficial.

I have learn how to ask questions to provide feedback at the same time, that are also constructive

Understanding when to coach is just as important as understanding how to coach. Coaching requires the utilization of emotional intelligence. 

Very beneficial, learn how to connect with my team 

Coaching can be important to building a positive, supportive environment in which people are open to feedback and growing. Listening is just as important as speaking and be sure to follow-up. 

Coaching skills are very important as they can help bring the best out of us all, including the coach.  

Be prepared and ready to coach.

Be a good listener - allow the other person to speak 90% of the time. 

Ask questions that allow for reflection. 

Coaching skills are essential for any leader or manager aiming to develop their team members effectively. Through learning about coaching, I've realized the importance of guiding individuals to find their own solutions, rather than simply providing answers or directives. This approach not only fosters autonomy and accountability but also enhances problem-solving skills and confidence among team members.

Coaching skills are necessary even if difficult. 

It's important to establish what their goals/approaches are, how they feel about their performance or the situation,  and then ask to share your view. It was interesting to learn of the advice that coachees should do 90% of the talking in meetings and to learn how coaching is defined (or, more accurately, how it is not defined) because I would often interchange coaching with mentoring, training and providing feedback.

Coaching your people daily will bring out the best in each individual to accomplish team goals. 

Learning that the opportunities for coaching others can come with some challenges. Finding the right way to help and not be rude is tough, but can be achieved.

Si el coaching no está ayudando a la persona (colaborador) a crecer y/o mejorar tanto como se esperaría, ¿qué otras medidas se podrían tomar para ayudarlo? ¿El coaching siempre será la mejor alternativa? ¿Tal vez sea necesario usar un estilo de dirección más directivo?

Gracias por sus respuestas.

Coaching is not about giving answers but rather coaching people on how to find the answers that work for them. 

Coaching takes a lot of patience and encouragement.

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