Maintaing formats and templates current is an important component to presentation.
What I have learned from this module is about the use of language when giving instruction to students. Similar to the classroom setting as in distance learning, the language when providing instruction and direction must be consistent otherwise, students will lose focus and student learning will suffer.
I've learned that it's important to have consistency across the board. Students will get accustomed to receiving and delivering their information in a certain way.i
importance of creating a simple standard database template/platform makes it easier and faster for the instructor to reuse them in other courses. Uniformity of objects creates less confusion for students and use of other learning techniques like Blackboard, etc to enhance their learning. Keeping uniformity regarding time for each module will prevent student's boredom.
Following course framework is important to plan and develop the course. Utilizing course content to create the module and then using LMS to provide structure to the content is important. Consistency throughout the entire course and developing other courses is necessary to assist the learner in successfully passing all courses.
I have learned that consistency in module development is key. Students need to know where to find materials and how to interact with these materials.
The most important piece is the consistency. I am trying to make sure that the procedure to complete each "module" goes in the same order so that students are able to watch and learn, determine if they have questions, then bring the questions to me, then attempt the quiz/assessment.
I have learned that you must have consistancy with your information you provide in your course .
I have always keep digital folders for each course I teach so I don't have to re-create the wheel year-after year. I understand the importance of keeping all my info in one easy to reach spot so I am learning how to create and use these templates in a complete online platform.
Reply to Tonya Tracy's post: I didn't either but I will definetly be looking into that now!
I have alot of work to due on my LMS which is Canvas. I saw the section modules and now I have a better knowledge to apply.
In this module I learned that the teacher must create a clear roadmap when laying out the class before you teach. Oragnize lessons into chunks and add into "Modules". Make sure that all the modules are layout out consistanly in style, font and design. Maintaining a data base of files and resources helps to add content throughout the course.
This is the first time I've taught completely online. So now I will be able to start building my learning modules and templates. I now know to make them all similar and address the students different learning styles.
I sum what I learned in 3 words.
1. Framewoek
2. Syllabus
3. Assessment
It is essential to provide consistency when posting templates and online content for students. Consistency leads to ease of use and decrease fustration for students when they are navigating the online course.
Being consistent is crucial to online learning. It is beneficial to the student and teacher.
Having a consistant format with a standard time frame for each module is important to keep students working on the content. 10 -15 minute long modules is a good time frame to keep student interest.
Consistency with the development of the Module(s) will make it easier for students to interact, respond and stay focused on the objectives. Also, that when doing videos, allow 10-15 minutes to hold their interest in the topic.
Use the same learning objects. Video or audio should not be the primary or only way to communicate information to the students. Create a database of learning objects and be sure to share with other instructors. Don't make one module longer than the other; split up into 2 different modules.