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The internet has brought major changes in a classroom, from the use of new technologies such as smart boards, to the use of the videos, chats, online learning platforms etc.

Very true...this makes such a difference in how we design instruction and assignments as well.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

The internet has brought the use of embedded video, online talks (ted talks), the use of interactive images, and a dynamic platform for student engaged learning. These things allow students to engage the material at their speed, with their interests in mind, and with the requested aid of instructors.

Good Points! Yes, the immediacy and the potential to customize are very central to the affect of the technology. So, designing instruction should take that into account and apply value to what is discovered.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

easier for the students to look up technical information on some of our labs.

Yes, and look up information during presentations and discussions and well as continue the discussion beyond the class or lab meeting.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

Students can customize their learning experience and then can do it on demand (when the have time).

Very true then, should instructional design and delivery adjust to accommodate this? How should assessment change?

Dr. Ruth Reynard

The internet has brought many postitive changes to learning in that students can access learning any time and anywhere.


This is a true observation. It has, however, also changed learning expectations and user skills - think through how these challenge things like instructor training, instructional design, and course delivery.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

Direct interaction and communication which the older tools like TV and radio were not able to do. On the other hand, students are able to use the internet, to build and create a structure toward the knowledge that is given. The time aspect has also been dissected into different fragments which we can go to a common place in any part of the day to participate toward a specific goal. Or having the hybrid course when we can still interact like the old days. The internet is merely a tool, getting us all closer, even from a distant time and place.


Great points! So, accessing information as well as supporting the actual process of learning are core characteristics of how Internet technology can maximize learning experiences.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

Dr. Reynard,

The internet has brought many innovations to the instructional process. As a result instruction, learning, and communication among course participants can take place at any place and at any time.

In addition, in an online course setting, each student is able to complete the coursework at his/her own pace.


Good points! Yes, the flexibility and direct connectedness are central characteristics that have benefitted instruction. So, too, is the customization that can now take place and the multilevel engagement and interactivity. If you conceptualize a web image rather than a linear outline, you will see even more possibilities in your instructional design and delivery.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

Hi Margaret!

I can totally relate to your post! I had the old dinosaur flip phone as well. My f2f students were always asking me when I was going to upgrade. When I finally had to, they were thrilled to show me several bells and whistles. Without their help, I would not know much of what the new phone could do! ;) However, like you, I only use it to make and receive calls and texts.

Coleen Poitinger

Hi Dr. Ruth,

I was very thankful when I learned I could earn a degree online as a student. Personally, I was very uncomfortable in a brick and mortar setting with much younger people than myself. I did all 6 years as an online student and loved the freedom of being able to accomplish working my FT job, and attending school online to obtain my degrees.

One thing I like to incorporate in my online classes besides the YouTube videos, are some of the TED talks. Many of these bring inspiration to students to continue their education regardless of the struggles we all face. When they see and hear of others struggles and what they have overcome, it helps to reinforce their own decision to return to school and perhaps also show them that other's have overcome even greater obstacles then the student is going through, and still went on to become successful.

~ Coleen Poitinger

Right on, James!

This was a big change for me as well. As many of our students are adults, we need to remember that many of them may only recall being able to access information via an on ground library, as opposed to the virtual libraries they have access to as online students. That was a shocker for me as well. The last time I had been in school before I became an online student was back in the 1980s when online learning was unheard of!! :)

Great post!!

Coleen Poitinger

That will likely change :) Once you have it and learn to use it for everything, that's what happens - you use it for everything!!

Dr. Ruth Reynard

Great ideas! Yes, anything that helps students feel part of a community and engaged through is critical. Feel free to share some of your ideas in the faculty lounge and in my instructional methods forum.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

Yes, I know what you mean - my shock when I returned to pursue graduate studies was to see that all the library cards were gone!! That's when I realized I would have to get on board and keep using new technology and that everything would change forever.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

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