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Lab Courses | Origin: ED322

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Introduction to Culinary Instruction --> Lab Courses

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I would like  to engage the students in a classroom discussion about practices that they currently use for selecting fresh product, thawing food and storing food. Reflection upon the amount of time food is left out on the table during picnics or holidays. I think this is always good to have student input would  be very eye opening and informative for students. This would peak their intereat into the subject if sanitation and safety. 

I would really like to implement a student safety monitor to help ensure all safety and cleaning standards are bring met while students are cooking. I feel allowing students to rotate this job will allow them to see safety from a managerial standpoint and them implement it more during cooking. 

Chef Instructors set the standard! We are the example and it is imperative we are pushing students to achieve and exceed expectations. Coming to class prepared with a production list and recipes re-written on index cards, is a regular practice in my kitchen.

Culinary arts instructors should create uniform standards of cleanliness in their classroom so that the students get an idea of what it will be like in the real world.  Sanitation should be address from the intial instruction and set standards should be enforced consistently.  Furthermore, classrooms should have some real world application in meeting time deadlines.  There are so many practical aspects to culinary arts in the real world that many students don't realize go into any food that is prepared and served in any dinning establishment. 

I should create oppurunity to dissucs food saftey pratcices and introduce my students to ways they will be handling food in class and on site. Enocurage students t taste food and have timelines, and delevope leadership skill throughot the classroom environment


Engaging students with exercises that utilize all of their sense can really boost their educational retention of information provided to them. Reiteration and corrective actions with specifics on the "Why" can greatly influence the stuents better understanding of the topic at hand.


Learning the right way to give feedback - both postive and critical - I think is the key to the students success.  Understanding the who what where when mentality, giving the student the full value with your feed back

Moving forward, I will engage students more in product ID, and having tasting activities in class.  I find that there are some students who have never been exposed to what some would consider "common" ingredients, so it's important to give all students the opportunity for ingredient exposure.

Encouraging students to use their senses to help in their education.  Whether it be visual and smell for product ID or visually looking for sanitation flaws.   If we as instructors give feed back with the student on dishes we both try this will help the student retain information.

Having a student create a timeline will help them manage the day more effeciant.

Senses of taste, where food comes from and possible contaminants, time management and open class discussion on taste help all students to become better at their trade. real life experiences and field trips can be so informative. I love to use the explanation of why is our Chefs jacket white? Its because we are in the hygiene business and the better we can keep our jacket clean the better our practices will be on our station. It also has to do with impressions. We all have 15 seconds to make an impression and when our jackets are messy and wrinkled what kind of impression is that? Prep lists and timelines are key to understanding time management in the kitchen and also help us to become more efficient with our time.

Relevant and specific feedback is crucial to the student learning experience. It is important to proactively discuss performance expectations, have information available, and keep communication lines open. When giving feedback, it is necessary to provide examples of how the student succeeded or did not meet expectations. It is also important to guide students in their learning to assist in problem solving and critical thinking rather than immediately providing an answer. Their analysis and process should be attempted first and then modified with the instructors help if necessary. 

Having tasting spoons out at all times is Imperative in a school setting. Many of the students are afraid to taste during class, but how else will they learn balance of flavors? I love discussing with my students what they are tasting. Sense of urgency and sanitation need to be discussed on day 1, but they don't learn until it is put into practice well into the course.

This module breaks down key areas of instruction style for a culinary lab class, how students should work on daily cooking assignment as a group or indiviually. How they can asses what they are cooking, taste texture etc and getting feedback after finishing to understand the cooking process they used and the properrties of the dish. Students understanding of kitchen organization and sanitation standerds that are required to work in the real world.

By giving students a timeline, they will start to understand timing, and multitasking which is very important in this business.

Also, by creating good sanitation practices they will be able to work efficiently, they will keep their station clean as they go, not having to stop and clean up a large mess.

The rubric development information allows students to understand the grading process and accurately assess their own performance as it is being described by the instructor.  Application of food safety principles is essential to the process of developing strong sanitation habits and avoiding detrimental health inspection scoring.

Learning the right way to give back some feedback and showing them with their words they are here to learn and understand what they are doing. This will create opportunities to talk about a lot of topics, tastings and show they we are here to help them.



It is important as instructors to establish sanitation standards with students so that there is a clear understanding as to what is clean and safe. It is also beneficial to assign a sanitation lead at the beginning of class to further empower individuals to take responsibility for an entire team and vice versa for an entire team to understand their role in supporting their lead.

Other skills such as product ID and other sense training will always be a constant touching point in class and great moments for learning opportunities when students are preparing their recipes. I think it is a good idea to taste with students, have them explain what they’re experiencing and then guiding them on understand what they have just produced.

I have Learned of different ways to test knowledge. Using engaging tv shows alongside of the students' homework can actually be beneficial to the student. I love the idea about taking a trip to a local food purveyor to see how they store items and utilize HACCAP. 

Educating the students on proper sanitation. Allowing the students, a role in enforcing other students the practice of sanitation and having the role changed so they all have an opportunity.

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