Eric Juergens

Eric Juergens

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I agree that a chef instructor - or any kind of instructor - would need to stay trendy and up to date.  With the industry contantly changing, its valueable for the  next generation to see and understand it.  

Learning the right way to give feedback - both postive and critical - I think is the key to the students success.  Understanding the who what where when mentality, giving the student the full value with your feed back

Relating these concepts to real work kitchen concepts works best for me.  Explaining how it applys to you and will continue to apply each and everyday.  Not just in the kitchen too. 


Good Start - as a new instructor, understanding how you want to instruct, and who youre audience is and how they think will prove helpful for me.  Unsterstanding the work ethic needed for culinary school through the students thought process.  Knocking off bad habits - home kitchen vs commercial kitchen.  Allowing them to understand the changes in the atmostphere around them will prove helpful in the long run.

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