Activity Feed Discussions Blogs Bookmarks Files

Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

Integrated collaborative projects

Assigning small groups to perform collaborative projects builds cooperation and individual responsibility.  

Evaluation/Assessment criteria:

  • Shared grade for the project's end product. (Qualitiative real-world assessment)
  • Individual grade for each participant's role/tasks.
  • Peer evaluation where each team member scores one another.
  • Self-evaluation and reflection

Action Plan for Culinary Instructor

After completing the Introdution to Culinary Education course, I can see that some simple interactive assignments will benefit my classroom.

- Using a combination of techniques to engage the students for each lecture

- Having the students relate the material to their experiences and (perhaps) TV shows that they watch.

- Including "soft work" by the students in the lesson plan: daily qutoes, sharing food blogs, posting a food pic for discussion


Keeping the classroom environment vibrant and engaging must be designed by the instructor.  The benfit to the studens is a constant stimulous of information to digest and… >>>

Teaching with Practical application

As my parents taught me is that Wisdom is applied knowledge.

So with that in mind . I am a great believer in learning from the learners. As a professional in this Industry for over forty years and teaching for the last fifteen, I have found that there are constant oppertunities to learn in the classroom enviroment and using the students/teacher interactions to be a great teaching guide. The success are the daily results when we(students and myself) learn from that days activities.

and at the end of their schooling they return and share with you that one moment when the light went on, and they… >>>

Teaching is a responsibility from the heart

I believe we as teachers have a great opportunity to share knowledge that has footprints from the past as a legacy

Related Learning Opportunities