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Instructional Strategies for Students with Learning Disabilities | Origin: ED132

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Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities --> Instructional Strategies for Students with Learning Disabilities

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I learned that there are options for students with learning disabilities. It is important to get them to seek the help they need.

Students should have reasonable accoodations to their work that can easily be applied to all students such as an outline of the notes. This way all students have them and no one students is singled out. This may help other students organize their thoughts and their notes as well.  Furthmore, specific instructions can be written on the downloadable notes that can provide detailed instructions or explanations.  

i am not very tech savvy.  Any suggestions for the apps in reading, note taking and others to help students?


That there are options and is very important to make the accomodations necessary to meet the students needs.

Because today’s learning environment is in a state of constant change, it is helpful to incorporate various platforms and technology to maximize their learning experience. 

I learned that there are apps and devices that can help those with learning disabilities. 


In my classroom, I already will call on students even if they don't have their hand raised. They expect this. More students come to class prepared, but I like the idea on using a cue for those students who have learning disabilities. I can see how this could lower an already anxious situation.

have never though that students may not feel that they are respected by others and meerly seen as being lazy. i have to admit that I may also be guilty of making them think that because I , like many others, focus on results and how quickly they occur. 

I am getting more familiar  with technology to both help myself and my learners. 

There are apps that can help students who have disabilities to progress well with their learning.


The suggestion to provided guided notes for ALL students is a great reminder that differentiated instruction benefits all students, not just those impacted by a learning disability. It is important for these scaffolds to be built seamlessly into the class so that students do not feel singled out. Providing choices as much as possible allows students to self-select in ways to best meet their own learning needs.

I learned that accommodations for an individual learner should modified and scaffolded in order for success.

I like the idea of cueing and preparing students ahead of time so that they know when you will call on them in class. 

Students with disabilities have options on how to learn subject matter. Accommodations help the indiviual be successful. 

Learning disabilities does not stop students for being successful in life 

I learned that there are ways to support disability of these students and that regular teaching methods may leave these students out of the class, do not participate in class participation because it may take them time to process what they are learning

Students with LD do need certain accommodations to be successful. As times change, so does technology. Most students with LD are usually introduced to such apps during their secondary years of education. By the time they reach postsecondary learning, they are familiar with and have an understanding of how they work. Most usually have these apps installed to some type of electronic device.

Reasonable accommodations are those accommodations that do not fundamentally alter the nature of the courses and/or program in which the student is enrolled.

Students with disabilities have options.

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