Instructional Strategies for Students with Learning Disabilities | Origin: ED132
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Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities --> Instructional Strategies for Students with Learning Disabilities
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The use of apps is very helpful to individuals with learning disabilities.
I was amazed to find out that there are many apps available to provide accommodations and modification assistance! This seems like a very good option for students in this day and age since everyone always has their phone in their hand. Identifying apps that are compatible with my lessons and content is something that I would like to implement! I especially like the idea of a text to speech app. A lot of students do not have the attention span that is compatible with reading long passages or copious amounts of notes.
Guided notes is such an easy way to accomodate a struggling student and allow for processing later as they study.
It's better call on students to respond instead of allowing students to raise their hand to respond. This leads to only a few students doing all the responding. There are a variety of options for students with learning disabilities.
I found the information on questioning very helpful.
A good questioning technique is to call on individual students rather than calling on the student who raises his or her hand or shouts out the answer first. If you let students shout out the answers or call on only those who raise their hands it won’t be long before only a few students are answering questions. The other students quickly learn that they can disengage since they will not be called upon. Students with learning disabilities have learned to become invisible in classes because they seldom are able to process and answer questions quickly enough to raise their hand. Knowing that any student can be called upon helps to keep the entire class engaged in the discussion.
Amazing that technology now offers apps that can be helpful to the student experiencing learning difficulties.
Currently there are various tools and apps that allow small educational adaptations to be made, facilitating the learning of people with disabilities. This facilitates the educational environment and helps us as teachers to remain focused on preparing them for the work and professional life they will face later
I'm really hoping to find more apps to aid my students. They seem to respond well to that!
I learned that post-secondary institutions are not required to meet learning accomadations. I also learned that there are apps for students with learning disabilities.
Understanding their learning disability helps individuals navigate work challenges, while advocating for accommodations can improve their professional success. Awareness of strengths and limitations enables effective interaction with colleagues and contribution to the workplace. Raising awareness about accommodations can address the low percentage of young adults receiving support.
I have learned a lot about the numerous kinds of disabilities and how they affect processing information. I do find it hard to address all of the different problems with many students in a full class of typical students. I do not want to draw attention to them, but find it hard to keep repeating and postponing due dates to allow for additional time. If I allow them to turn it in late, other students want to turn their work in late, too.
Instructors can adjust their delivery to increase the engagement of their students.
I want my students to always know that no matter what the disability, they have options and I want to be more encouraging to them in class. So they have nothing to fear.
I have gotten some what is available to students that will help them learn. I am already taking into consideration my students challenges. But i think I can do more help them learn more efficiently.
From the module on Instructional Strategies for Students with Learning Disabilities, I’ve learned about various strategies and approaches that can be effective in supporting these students in the classroom. These include using multisensory techniques, providing explicit instruction, breaking down tasks into smaller steps, and offering frequent feedback and reinforcement.
I intend to apply this knowledge by incorporating these strategies into my teaching practices to better support students with learning disabilities. This may include using visual aids and hands-on activities to make concepts more concrete, providing clear and explicit instructions, and offering additional support and encouragement as needed. Overall, I aim to create a more inclusive and supportive learning environment where all students can thrive.
Access to technology can be a game-changer for students with disabilities. While we hope that students may have accessed some technology in high school to support their learning, the reality is that many of our older students may not have the same experience. Having a general understanding of some basic apps and platforms could be very beneficial as an instructor. Learning about how to make text-friendly for OSR readers or screen readers is a must in terms of access for a high number of students. I love the idea of the instructor making time to connect with the disability services office to learn about tech supports that students are finding useful.
Being a "Dyslexic" myself, having the time to read each Question 2 to 3 times is a big deal. We just need to understand that the student Can be the best student in Class, Always knows the answer in Class, but Fail the test because the student didn't understand the question, given the chance to reread the question 2 or 3 times helps with this problem.
I just wished they had shared some of these apps that people use who have learning disabilities.
I learned that there are so different options for students with learning disabilities. We need to use our resources.