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Effectively communicating and respect; both to co-workers and to the students I teach. It is very important that my students feel valued, and that their voices matter.

Donna ,
Keep up the positive attitude. The students will appreciate it and there will be more interaction in the classroom.
Philip Campbell

Stay with the kind of thinking and the students will appreciate you as well as your coworkers.
Philip Campbell

Communication is a two way street. It is very important for us to consider not just what we think we are communicating to others, but to confirm that they actually understand what we are communicating.

It seems to me that an awareness of others and willingness to cooperate are the most important skills necessary to function successfully in any workplace, especially in one that requires interpersonal behaviors rather than solely solitary labor.

This is brought about by a level standard of emotional maturity which needs to be brought to bear in all personal interactions. Having the wherewithal to recognize the emotional environment of those around you, as well as being in tune with your own emotional life are the key components. It is important to then apply a degree of determination to make sure one takes the necessary steps to resolve conflict and facilitate amiable and productive communications.

Put simply – it is essential to be nice to people - and to empathize with the concerns and grievances of others. This cannot be contrived however – it must be a sincere effort. And good communication skills are the only things that can make it all work.

Communication and respect are very important soft skill in the classroom for both, the teachers and students.

I love the two way street comparison. It is very easy to point fingers when a message does not get conveyed. As much as we try to communicate it is hard to say that message will ever get to the recipient unless they are willing to accept it.
Philip Campbell

Two good ones, keep using those to your advantage.
Philip Campbell

I couldn't agree more! As someone who has taught an Interpersonal Communications course for many years that emphasized content related to "soft skills," I have always stressed the connection between good "people skills" (soft skills), communication skills, and professional/personal success. I often remind my students that they can have the most advanced degrees, a multitude of professional connections, and the most cutting edge technical skills/training, but if they can't get along well with others, they will never achieve the kind of success they might otherwise achieve with good soft skills/people skills.

The ability to be open and empathetic are important "skills" and enhance the quality of communication between student and instructor as well as instructor to instructor.

I feel the most important soft skill is your ability to listen. I've really found this changes how students view you as not just a teacher but a mentor.

I feel that having a positive attitude is the most important soft skill that you can posess. As an educator we can teach students the skills they need to be successful, however if they have a negative attitude they will be unemployable. We can help them make good choices while they are students, but these are skills that are taught as children.

Listening is a valued skills that many need to practice. Once mastered the return will be great.
Philip Campbell

I think effective and timely communication is the most important. Not only should we have good communication as educators,but we have to make sure the communication is effective and timely. This includes lectures, assignments and student feedback on assignments.

Common sense isn't so common any more. I think that common sense has to be learned. As a whole we are more shelfish than ever as a society. If someone does not respect themselves, how can they treat others with respect?

In my experience, the most important soft skills for me have been the ability to empathize with my students. Most of my students are adult learners who have countless obligations to manage in addition to the education. They are raising families, working and taking care of a home while pursuing their education. As an adult learner myself, who achieved most of my goals after having a family, I have a unique perspective to offer as a educator. I understand the challenges involved in juggling many responsibly. This is my most important "soft skill" and I utilize this experience often in my teaching career.

Respect is the most important soft skill when looking at all workplaces. You must respect those you work with, and hopefully in return they will respect you.

Good choices. Both of those are important and I think that the better we all are at those the better our world becomes around us.
Philip Campbell

Showing empathy is something that more should learn to acquire. I know there is something to be said about trial by fire, but at some point there needs to be some nurturing as well. Thanks for the input.
Philip Campbell

I think common sense and attention to detail are the most important. Making appropriate and practical decisions uses most, if not all of the top ten most important soft skills. Paying attention to detail will actually let one see what is going to so that one can make an informed decision.

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