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absolutely positive attitude i t is contagious. When we walk into that classroom what ever we bring in with us trickles down to the students.

Playing well with others! It goes back to kindergarten logic! Be nice, play well. Translation, get along with your collegues, be respectfull, even if you don't particularly like them, (don't tattle) Do the same for your students. We may have students that we find their personality not to our liking, treat them like all the other students. Be respectful, do your job, be fair!

I cannot just pick one, two, or even three. I think they are all equally important in any workplace environment. Attention to Detail, Conflict Resolution, Customer Service, Dependability, Effective Work Relationships, Integrity, and Common Sense are just a few of the soft skills that I hold in very high regard. There are plenty more examples of soft skills that would also be a benefit as well. No matter where you work at, I believe it is very important to utilize your soft skills to their fullest potential. As they say, a positive attitude is contagnious. The more time and effort you put into your soft skills, the more positive effect it will have in your workplace.

Positive attitudes are very important, It is hard some days to convince the students just how far this skill will take them, in their careers.

I believe that the ability to listen ranks very high on the list as it will allow you to respond effectively to others. Common sense also plays a great role.

I feel that the most important soft skill for success in the workplace is Managing emotions. I say this because on a daily bases we come into contact with various personalities especially with our students. For the most part I get along very well with my students, but every now and then you run across a student that isn't so friendly and easy to like or get along with. In my teaching career I have run across two that I can clearly remember. These individuals had a real negative attitude and as much as I try to be positive in the classroom, those individual (on two separate occasions) always seem to bring a dark cloud into the classroom which affects everyone else. I truly understand that each individual have their own trials and tribulations, so I have emphathy for them. So instead of allowing them to ruin my attitude for the day, I just created happy thoughts in my mind while dealing with them. They were not able to tell that I was disgruntled about their poor attitude because I kept a smile on my face, and continued to interact with entire class so therefore I was able to complete my objectives for the class period.

I also agree that positive attitude is the most important soft skill because if you have a positive attitude and pass it on to someone else then your surroundings with be positive and the environment will be less confrotational making working situations less stressful.

I feel it is very important to be able to empathize with the students. I always try to be supportive and encouraging. With some students, we may be the only support system they have.

I agree that soft skills and EQ are very important. Maintaining a positive attitude is contagious and essential.
I believe being a team player is also extremely important. We have a lot of work to do and others to help. Being positive and seeing where you can help can keep things moving forward efficiently.

important soft skills in any workplace are the ability to relate to others and be willing to work with others and resolve issues before they become issues in the workplace. using good listening skills as well as interpersonal skills.

I tell my students all the time that most people lose their jobs for lack of soft skills. The people we tach at culinary school, most of them want to be behind the scenes cooking. They are not particularly fond of being in the dining room and greeting people or dealing directly with customers. For that reason they may tend to dismiss soft skill development as unnecessary. Quite to the contrary, i like to emphasize the fact that as cooks we work in small, overheated spaces in highly stressful conditions. Thos with solid interpersonal skills will gravitate to leadership roles.

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