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Michael, Sounds like this coping mechanism was worked consistently well for you. That's great to hear. I'd love to hear more about the kinds of exercises that are working well for you.

Dr. Melissa Read

Steven, That's interesting. Yes, when the coping mechanism is too hard to do, it can be stressful in itself. Hard labor could be good every once in a while, when the mood strikes. However, it might be a good idea to build in a few other outlets so you have a variety to choose from.

Dr. Melissa Read

I find that taking some "me" time helps me to cope with stressors I cannot eliminate. Often times I would feel guilty if I read a book or took time to do something for myself; realizing that this is an acceptable way to cope with stress I no longer allow myself to feel guilty.

I have quit smoking, decreased caffeine intake dramatically and trying to eliminate negative people in my life.

I can say I feel much less stressed.

I've actually recently been going to Yoga and it's really helping with dealing with stress.

I usually go to the gym to get my mind off what is stressing me out. I play with my dogs or take them out for a walk.

Maria, Those sound like two great outlets for managing through stressful situations. They also sound productive too. It's great to have a variety of outlets that you can count on.

Dr. Melissa Read

To help eliminate stress, I have started to keep a journal. I will also reorganize time to make sure I have exercise time each day. A third technique I will use is to make sure I am making two healthy meals a day. Increasing water intake will also be helpful.


Knowing my limits and sticking to them! Whether in your personal or professional life, refuse to accept added responsibilities when you’re close to reaching them. Taking on more than you can handle is a surefire recipe for stress.

I know that when I am exercising, the amount of stress that I actually feel is dramatically reduced. My schedule has made the regular intense workouts that I used to enjoy nearly impossible, so I have been attempting shorter, more frequent in-home workouts until I can coordinate a new gym schedule. Truth be told, I have found that simply leaving the house for my workout alone helps reduce stress.

Exercise is the best way to deal with stress. Exercise will act as a differential behavior for other unhealthy coping mechanisms (such as over-eating, alcohol consumption, drug use) and produces its own dopamine/serotonin reward through use.

it depends on what kind of stress it is for me i like the talking to someone or exorcising coping mechanisms

I really agree with the excercise and getting enough sleep.

I am trying to get more organized and watch less TV. That way more of my future time will be productive. I tend to procrastinate. I want to spend more productive time helping my child.

Erica, Thanks for sharing. It sounds like you have a lot of great outlets. That's wonderful to hear. I really like the idea of keeping a journal. I can see how it would help to reflect on each day and really understand what is causing you the most stress.

Dr. Melissa Read

Victor, Those are two wonderful outlets and a pretty popular topic of conversation in these forums. A lot of instructors ask about who they can talk to and specifically, who to trust. I'm curious to hear about any perspectives in that area.

Dr. Melissa Read

Roseanne, TV can be super time consuming. Just limiting yourself to 30 minutes a day of TV can help a lot. There are so many great things you can be doing to help your child. Getting outside for fresh air, offering homework help and giving floor time are some of the many things you can do.

Dr. Melissa Read

I already exercise regularly during the week and practice deep breathing on my commute to work, which has helped tremendously. In the future, I see that I definitely need to learn to turn the computer off and just go to bed at a decent hour. I think getting more sleep will significantly reduce my stress at work.

Robert, Yes, exercise is a healthy coping mechanism indeed. I'm curious to hear your thoughts on the best exercises as I know there are a lot of differences in what works for students in my class.

Dr. Melissa Read

excercise is my greatest challenge because of time management. It seems I can never fit it in my busy schedule, but I'm going to try and do better

More exercise.

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