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Most people have heavy demands on their time both personally and professionally. Aging parent, teeanage children, the diverse needs of my staff and students.

stres can put you behind in life, student have family stress, work stress, and school stress

I believe my major stress are all of the above and hit all categories mentioned. My list of stressors includes:
1. Mother
2. House
3. Wife
4. Caring for Elderly Parents and Grandparents
5. Student Needs
6. Professional Requirements -- VERY demanding job
7. Co-Workers -- varying personalities, needs, etc.
8. Financial
9. Being a "giver" personality
10. Advisor for School Organization

In general, balancing my various hats I wear and responsibilities within my life is the biggest stress factor in my life. Now, I feel inclined to mention, some of these stress factors listed above is actually good stress because they are the highlight of my life and bring me much happiness as well. Unfortunately, at the same time the responsibilities of the happiness and tasks associated complicate the juggling act and introduce stress.

Logistical factors:
Distance from home to school
Temperature extremes

Student needs:
A's without doing the work necessary
Unnecessary extensions for assignments
Personal issues

College requirements:
Too many Continuing ed courses
Too many different sites to access information
Teaching to a template - cookie cutter courses

3 teenage daughters with different needs and interests
2 highschool seniors getting ready for college applications
Working, taking care of teenagers, teaching, taking care of the home (cooking, cleaning, washing)

1. Extern students not being responsible, such as not showing up at their site, or frequent absences.
2. Paper clutter
3. General household clutter

For me, the major stressors in my life have to do with juggling multiple adjunct teaching positions, both face-to-face and online. Each college has different guidelines, requirements, and expectations. I find it stressful to keep track of the many responsibilities I have at each college, let alone all of them. Also, I'm a fairly new teacher, and not having years of good experience under my belt, or not having lesson plans already created, can be highly stressful. I am creating lesson plans from scratch, and not knowing whether they will go off well in the classroom causes stress before the fact. I think I also tend to think that I must respond to student emails within minutes of them being sent, which leads me to feel somewhat resentful--as if the student is stealing my time. At the same time, I feel proud that I am responding so diligently and promptly. I think another major stressor lies with my own confidence as a teacher. My goal for myself is to be engaging and, dare I say it, entertaining for my students. I take it somewhat personally when students don't seem to be paying attention or look bored. I take that on myself, as opposed to considering that it might be about them, and have nothing to do with me. But this feeling of needing to always be "on" and engaging is highly stressful.

Oh where to begin!
Biggest stressors-Student loan debt. beause I have my doctoral degree, I owe so much money to the government. They make me pay way above my means even with the IBR plan. In turn I have to work 3 jobs to make ends meat! This is a stressor, that consumes my life and I am unable to eliminate.
Working 3 jobs
Financial Issues
No time for myself
Issues with students and the organization itself

If I could erase my student debt or at least make it managable I feel alot of the other stressors would subside and maybe even be eradicated. But I cannot!

the most common source os stress lately is who and when is there going to be the next round of lay offs in this company. It is very stressful working under these conditions.

Stressors of work (commute is long)
Stessor of student retention (teaching multiple courses)
Stressors of Family (kids have various schedule and I am a single parent)

I did not think too much about it until going through this module, but my major stressor is the commute. I drive an hour to get to work and I realize that the drive defines my whole day. I used to listen to books but haven't in a while. I think I need to go back to that.

Some major stressors regarding teaching are grading, differentiated instruction, and consistently trying to figure out how to ensure that your objectives are met and your instruction is highly effective.

I'm well aware of what causes stress in my life. The question is, how do I manage or reduce this stress so that it doesn't have a negative affect in my life? My answer is daily meditation practice and stretching. A regular massage also helps

Unfortunately, I can relate to all of the stressors mentioned in this module (to the umpteenth degree!). I internalize stress, and it is taking its toll on my health. I am taking steps to manage and reduce stress and hope that it isn't too late. One of my stress items is frustration with administration's lack of experience in anything having to do with education, and their efforts to try to make a buck the fastest, easiest way, throwing quality to the curb. Speed-teaching and speed-learning doesn't work for all areas of teaching.

I AM ALWAYS STRESSED!!! But, I accept it and move on! These are some of the things in my life that stress me out:

-Creating lectues
-Creating assignments
-Creating assessment
-Creating FUN & learnin in the classroom
-Creating a stress-free environment

-Being mommy! (It's also worth the stress)
-Being in a relationship
-Being a daughter, sister, friend, cousin, etc.
-The Holidays
-Driving EVERYONE everywhere ALL the time
-Maintaining bills & finances

-Running errands
-Needing to exercise but I can't seem to find the time...
-Eating the wrong foods
-Not having time to RELAX!!!!

I'm sure there are tons of things I've left out but these are a few stressors in my life from work, home and other misc places. Stressors from work are based on organization factors, student needs and college requirements. Home stressors are simply from things needing to get done! Other factors may include my environment or other personal factors.

Sorry about your daughter. I've succeeded in eliminating stress by living long enough to have my children leave home (build a moat, fill it with alligators - they won't come back). It really helps to love your wife and your job . . . I'm the happiest guy I know.

Having to keep strictly to the syllabus, this creates stress for me and the students. It is like being on a timetable ,you must get from point A to point X within a specific timeframe.

I have a 16 and 19 year old and yes it is very stressful at times. Its hard at times trying to leave work at work and home at home. I work out three to four times a week. I can truly say it has helps me alot. Its the best stress reliever.

My administrator has been diagnosed as bipolar. Need I say more? I rely on this person for my job and I have stress sometimes because this person gets upset with me for silly things. I am learning how to cope and react in ways that would cause less stress.

Logistical Factors
1. Share an office with 10 others
2. Computer network is slow
3. Help Desk is almost useless
4. Being the "go-to" guy in the office

Student Needs
1. Not attending class
2. Scheduling make up tests
3. Tutoring
4. Advising

College Requirements
1. Training requirements
2. Lack of communication
3. Additional "last minute" tasks
4. Deadlines no one told me about

Time management is always a stressor for me and for my students!!! All of the stressors described have given me a problem at one time or another.

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