Richard Walker

Richard WalkerCHEP

About me


  1. What have you learned? I learned that as an instructor and program chair, I must be extremely careful to ensure that I can backup anything I say to current students and prospective students. 

  2. How can you apply it? The best way I can apply this is to review the information that I have been telling potential students at open house events and make sure the data is accurate.  I can also make sure the admissions team has the proper information as it relates to my program.

  3. What support do you need? I am not aware of any support I need… >>>

Discussion Comment
I was glad to see that I am following the suggested guidelines on what to cover during the first day of class (just not necessarily in the same order). One of the first things I mention is that everything we discuss in class is subject to test and therefore it is extremely important to participate and pay attention to the class discussions. At the end of the first class meeting, I give a pop quiz on the broad guidelines that were covered (not little details). This lets the students know that participation and paying attention IS important.
I find that the more I know about my students, the better I am able to relate to them. I sometimes find out that we have similar backgrounds and this helps me relate the material to shared experiences.

I do several things to try to keep my students interested and to let them know that I want them to succeed in my classes. When a student misses class, I try to contact them to make sure everything is okay. In class I joke a lot. I try to get everyone involved in solving the problems I put on the board (I teach math). I also have some fake Million Dollar bills that I will pass out as rewards. I just keep some of these in my wallet and pass them out whenever I think it will generate interest… >>>

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