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My goal is to use collaborative learning each class session that builds on itself. I want students to problem-solve and be agents of their own learning, yet know that they are not alone. There is power in listening and everyone bringing something to the learning experience table. 

That knowing the names of students and building a rapport with students is important

Build rapport with students beginning with day one and learning students names and backgrounds.  Provide lots of opportunity for students to contribute and engage with collaborative learning to increase student empowerment.

Student empowerment involves many aspects including active listening, human factor, and building rapport. All these activities are undertaken so students know that as they own their learning, facilitators are also available to help if they have any challenges or issues bothering them.

Student can benefit from group projects.

I've learned the importance of collaborative learning and how impactful it can be to the students growth.

I plan to assess the balance between autonomous work and collaborative work time in my courses. 

I have been giving problems for students to work on in small groups, then moving around the classroom interacting with each group and discussing their understanding of the problem, when a group is ready I will have them present the answers we have discussed

I enjoyed learning about various methods to increase student involvement and participation.  I do agree that student motivation and self confidence are increased by giving them opportunities to be a proactive member of the learning process; and collecting their feedback on assignments, etc...that are based on shared learning goals or future career goals (seeing how this will benefit their success in their career).  I especially liked the information regarding developing rapport and collaboration; giving students a chance to see themselves as professionals is very important for developing intrinsic motivation.

There are actually methods and strategies to building rapport with students to increase engagement and learning. 

meet and greet first day encourage everyone's introduction of themselves and expectations. 

encouraging leadership and professionalism 

Students need to be valued and an instructor can make sure that happens helping them be more motivated in the course.

Students need to feel like they are in control of their own learning and destiny.

Students developing and expressing a vision which is aligned with success in the course and their education goals is significant in empowering students to take ownership of their success. Students are more prone to invest in a course due a professor that they trust and revere; active listening, professor investment in the student, and student engagement are tools that can be used to bolster student empowerment and investment.

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