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The Socratic questions can offer valuable insights to facilitate critical thinking.

I've learned that being a critical thinker is beneficial in all aspects of life and that improving critical thinking begins very early in life. 

Critical thinking skill needs time to develop and requires proper understanding, analysis, and evaluation of different viewpoints. 

I have discovered that critical thinking requires analyzing and independent judgment, or thinking. It's alot of common sense and not making decisions based on emotion.

Critical thinking is important for we are bombarded with conflicting information everyday.

This information reinforces the process of scientific research in a concise and comprehensive manner.

Being as that our tiny world is but a speck in the universe, how can we truly claim to know anything?  Data, properly analyzed, is all that is available to make critical decisions.

Critical thinking is essential in the nursing field. 

Critical thinking skills can be a key to a students success in their careers as well as their lives in general. It is important that we as instructors help them develop these skills.                                                                                                       

Science seems so black and white (these are the steps of transcription, this is what happens when your cells don't have enough oxygen, etc.) but critical thinking can still be incorporated in science classes when the instructor has students APPLY what they have learned to probing, open-ended questions. These questions are the most difficult for students because they almost prefer the more sequential/memorization questions because they don't require as much effort.

In my opinion, critical thinking is an essential skill that every individual should possess. Critical thinking allows us to analyze and evaluate information, make informed decisions, and solve complex problems. With the increase in information and the rapid pace of change in today's world, critical thinking has become more important than ever before. It enables us to think independently, question assumptions, and challenge the status quo. Critical thinking also helps us to communicate more effectively, by allowing us to present our ideas and opinions in a clear and coherent way. As a student, I have found that developing my critical thinking skills has been invaluable in my academic and personal life, and I believe that it will continue to be a valuable asset as I move forward in my career.


I have learned the importance of critical thinking and the importance of the information in shaping the opinion. The right information can help in taking the right decisions.



Critical thinking is not only an important skill for instructors to teach students in the classroom; critical thinking skills will help students throughout their lives.

Critical thinking is a process that takes effort on the part of the individual making the decision at hand. This section has been very interesting in identifying those factors necessary to become a good critical thinker in a technological world full of misinformation. It is also clear that we as instructors, must also continue to hone our skills and be wary of our intrinsic laziness, in order that we may convey to our students, through demonstration, the methodology for effective critical thinking out in the real world. 

I see the lack of critical thinking in my Mechanical Drawing class. I will sit with a student and try and help them think of a solution but the just want the answer (instant gratification) and they don't want to learn from trial and error.

Critical thinking is collective of "self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective thinking (MaxKnowledge)" qualities that allows one to research and use accurate information to logically respond to a situation and solve a problem.  As an instructor, I need to use critical thinking to deliver accurate information/content using logics, facts, and factual examples that can draw students' engagement and attention into the content with easy understanding, and activate/enhance students' critical thinking skills on the content as a result.

What I have learned about critical thinking is that it allows for individuals to gather reliable information for different resources and evaluate how each of these resources can be used.

Critical thinking requires knowledge, and an understanding of how information relates to other aspects of society (such as the individual, culture, biases, etc).

By encouraging critical thinking in the classrooms we can better prepare students to thrive in the ever changing professional landscape. 

As a chemistry instructor I have to remind myself to talk less and practice more.  Practice problems with clear problem solving process to prepare for exams.

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