Rebecca Maier

Rebecca Maier

About me


To many videos can be a distraction. There's a delicate balancing act we have to perform. But videos do hel;p break up a lecture. If possible I like to have something that requires them to physically move every once in a while.

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You sound like a great teacher. Trade schools and the training they provide are highly undervalued. Thanks for teaching.

Being honest with your students and speaking to them with an honest concern for their well being is a powerful tool in dealing with a problem student.

Of course it depends on what the problem is. There is always the chance that you have the rare problem student who's goal is to be a problem and who is not in school to learn anything, they are just there to see what kind of trouble they can cause for all and sundry. For that kind of problem student all you can do is your best and then wash your hands.

- Soft skills have never been my strong suit, in fact I am uncomfortabele around strangers. I admire glad handers who have the inate ability to never have met a stranger just a friend they aren't aquainted with yet. Yet I love teraching. Somehow its different when I'm in front of a class room. I think because I had difficulty learning that I truely respect anyone who voluntarily enters the classroom to learn. Respect for your students will go a long way to making up for any short comings you have with meeting strangers. I also beleive and tell them from… >>>

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There is no context for you question - it could be Latest Machining System, Last Man Standing, Last Minstral Show - give us a hint - what's the  context?


I have been trtying to find a dermatoligist to come speak to my class but have been unsucessful so far, the class is only 7 days so taking a field trip wouldn't go over well with administration unless I could get them into the burn unit but they, the hospital, are highly unlikely to approve 20 students trapsing through their unit - I know I wouldn't be happy about that happening if I were working there. Sorry if I sound negative I'm just a little frustrated that all of these wonderful ideas seem out of reach. I'm teaching skin… >>>


Where do you find your case studies? I am about to teach a class on the integumentry system and it is not my area of expertise and I would love to find some relevant case studies.

@gmeers We have a really good dean of education here and one of his inservices was on breaking up the lecture with a kinetic learning acvtivity. It wakes the students up creates excitement in th classroom as well as stimulating another learning center in th brain making them all better learners.

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Teaching from home sounds great but where do you then go to get away from work? I too really enjoyed this class and found the information helpful. I had known some of it before but had forgotten it so it was really good to get reminded. While I was taking the class I pulled out the curriculum for my next class and started incorporating tings as I went along. I haven't met my next set of students yet but I can be pretty sure that they will have a similar mix as the last 2 some ELL, some disability, and… >>>

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I tried to give this course a 5 star rating but it only registered 1 star. It was very good and ZI have already started using what i ;earned in my preparations for the next c;ass I will be teaching

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