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Instructional Delivery Methods

What 2 instructional delivery methods are you most successful with, enjoy the most and why?
What 2 instructional delivery methods are you least successful with, enjoy the least and why?

(Successful) I attempt to get each student to participate. 1. I write each students name on a 3X5 card, then when i have a question and answer period i draw from the deck of cards. this way i find out 2 things. 1. can they read and understand. 2. did they listen.

(Least successful) having a Q and A and waiting for somone to raise there hand. it seems it the same person over and over.

1. Using a combination of humor and field experience, (personality), was a methos I used that I enjoyed the most and had great success with. For the students to hear my experience, how I wasn't perfect, made mistakes and what I learned seemed to open the lines of communication for me.
2. The second method I most enjoyed with great success involved the students more. By asking them about their experience on the topics and allowing them to share it seemed to create a team environment with a lot of classes.

Hi Misty:
When students feel you're human they feel more comforatable with someone who is normal - like themselves. Easier to relate to. Natural. Like you really care about them and their interests and struggles. Good instructors will be there for their students.

Regards, Barry

I like to embelish the powerpoint with examples I've experienced in the field. The students understand how the lecture can help them make money later. I enjoy teaching by example in lab, making complicated tasks look easy. I don't enjoy teaching if the students are bored, and class should be fun and educational.

Hi Douglass:
Boy, when you get students linking what they're learning to their earning potential, I think you've got their attention real good! Of course, anytime you can get "hands-on" experience time, that is going to be well received. Always more interesting than a static lecture.

Regards, Barry

Teaching to small groups in lab.
Demonstrations when using training aids.
1- more 1 on 1 with students
2- opens their eyes as to how something works

Power point. I am successful with it but it
sometimes includes material that is not the
best. Hard to change in a timely manner.

Group discussions. Gets off track very easily
and can be difficult to control.

i like using drawings- i like to draw and the students like it and i like doing demonstrations and or showing videos i have done for t v shows, showing examples i am trying to get across i do not like to just read the power point presentations only, and stand their. every now and then i will shut the power point off for a while and utilize the whole white board so they may have 1 entire sheet of info to keep and use as a resource.

My favroite delivery is the whiteboard I like to draw and show them how things work it is a good way to show how something works tell me I am ok but if you draw me a picture i got it the other is training aid like a componet i can hold or see it on the truck it just reinforce the lectures My least method is power point i am limited to what i can show and might not be just what i want to show if i had to chose a second one it would be flip charts just not enogh info

Hi Bob:
Great ideas, all! As for PowerPoint (PPT), remember it's just a tool, and if the tool doesn't fit the job then don't use it.

That said, It might be useful to get a bit of on hands training with one of your peers who can show you some tips and/or tricks to make modifying your PPT quick and easy.

Regards, Barry

Hi Bill:
Good. I think your use of the visual method of presentation taps into one of the main ways people tend to learn. And while visual learning is just one of many, if the information is clear and understandable, most students will benefit.

Regards, Barry

Hi James:
Good point - good teachers use what they have and make it work. They may have preferences but you have to keep in mind how the student is going to respond to the learning strategies presented.

Regards, Barry

I enjoy the Q/A approach and I have had good success with this style of instructional delivery. One has to be careful with this approach as the same students tend to try and answer all of the questions. I also enjoy leading type question that allow the studnets time to use problem solving skills.
I really do not have a specific style that I not enjoyed or been sucessful with. As with any type of instructional delivery, the instructor has to look for clues from the class and make adjustments to the style and type of delivery method

One of the method that I am most successful with is sharing field experiences that fit the topic areas. While discussing this I share both my successes and failures with the class. Then often if time permits ask them about their experiences, both successes and failures. Another method that works well is hands-on demonstration and explanation and then let the students work through a similar task and then have discussion about it when they finish. Asking them what their expectations are about that task in the field and what they can expect to be paid for that procedure at a job site. Probably the 2 least effective for me are reading technical information bulletins to the class and relying on student responses to Study Guides /Questions.

Hi Kenneth:
You're right - good instructors are sensitive to the changing climate and place their students are at, and are readdy and willing to adapt and change as need presents.

Calling on specific students by name, then asking the question is one way to get all the students involved. Another is to put names on index cards and, like a deck of cards, shuffle them up each day so they end up in random order.

Regards, Barry

Hi Gregory:
Well, here you've kind of decribed the difference between passive and active learning. The more involved a student becomes by their own quentioning, or thinking, or answering, or quizzing, etc., the more likely they'll retain the needed information.

Regards, Barry

I enjoy using my experiance, and laughing at things that happened to me and was a valuable lesson. Students remenmber personal things well.
Second I like to use Q/A but I am clear at the begining of my classes to let the student know tha i will ask enough questions that everyone will have to answer at least one question, some times i take volunteers, sometimes I call on students.
I least like to lecture straight form the book, or Power Point, so I always use my own personality when doing this.

The 2 methods I find the most effective and enjoyable are being one on one in small lab group situations. In this type of surrounding I can quickly tell the level of understanding of the material and in some cases provide the students reinforcement with hands on experience.
The second method I use is to relate the material just covered to real world problems I have experienced.
As far as unsucessful methods I find that power points with to many words just shut off the learning
The other problem with using a standardized power point is we sometimes don't have the training aid for what is being shown only vaguely on the lesson.

Hi Bernard:
Great! The thing about personal stories is they're usually tied to the lesson or profession somehow, and it demonstrates to students that you are human - which helps students relate to you as a real person.

Regards, Barry

Hi Lyle:
Good. Small lab groups help each other rely on one another. Exploring the future with past examples is always interestings and captures attention.

Regards, Barry

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