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common mistakes of instructors

we all make mistakes its what we learn form them this course helps me-

challanging students

the information in this course will help me deal with this

unfocused students

there are students that are just not interseted in what there doing, or are here just to skate by. these students just can't be reached. there just wasting there money


I leaned a lot of good information, assignments were a constant annoyance, I have a good understanding of how to handle this issue

Blaming others

I try to get the student to understand that in the professional world when you are given an assignment to accomplish, you don't have the luxury to lay the blame on someone else.

Late Assignments

I like to use a sliding scale on late work, usually 10 points per week up to 50 points. This gives the student every opportunity to submit the work and is fair to the other students.

Different learning styles and levels

I sometimes have students that become distracting to their peers because they are at a more advanced level and finish early. What are some ways that folks manage this issue?

The first day.

It is the perfect opportunity to start creating an image while explaining the boundaries of classroom activities.

I can't remember students names

I have Lupus and with that comes a certain amount of memory issues, one that really effects me is memorizing peoples names, it is very embarasing at times. I came in at the last 5 weeks of last cemester, was jumped around between both teems, at graduation last week there was only a small handfull of names that I could remember.

Getting students interested

On occasion, I have difficulty in keeping students involved and interested in the topic being discussed. I often find that I end up craking jokes and telling personal stories and getting students to contribute their own stories as well. I often bring in games such as jeopardy to engage the students with the content material. I find that playing games with the material where student not only answer questions but create the questions themselves, help them in retaining the information. Many of my students ask me at the beginning of each class which game we will be playing that day.… >>>

quit students

Getting to know the student, would help have better understanding,how to imploment his experance with other students and contribute discussion in class..

Center of attention

Students always have one person that stand out, of the class,that joke around, I like to use that person , for my demos in class , is a plus

Getting students interested

My teaching style imspires students to get interested buy drawing on the board , underlining ,the importance how the drawing works in 3d ,and reforce the hands on dearing class, at the same time.

Why is it important to establish classroom management?

Classroom management has to be established day 1 of class. Once the students understand the importance of the course and structure of the classroom they will be apt to learn.

General Ed vs. Career Targeted Ed

I teach Critical Thinking in a General Education department at a career oriented institution. My students rank my course, though required, as lower in priority than their others because it is not overtly career targeted. Also the course is 1/2 of the typical credit value. In a way the credit value is proof to my students that my class is worth less. Nearly 40% of their overall grade is based upon attendance. They could sleep in my presesnce and get full credit for attending all 12 weeks. Alas, they don't show and they don't hand in assignments. Any suggestions on… >>>

Student behavior

In career colleges student behavior is somewhat of an ongoing issue. Behavior is learned throughout life. We as educators have to find a positive way to transform our students by teaching them softskills..

Why do students drop out of school?

Students drop out of school for multiple reasons. The #1 reason is a fear of success.

Properly managing the classroom enviornment

The most challenging component in proprietary colleges is being able to engage the students. As educators we have to find a happy medium which incorporates a conducive learning enviornment for our students. Module 1 talks about being able to bring balance between being a subject matter expert and a instructional delivery expert. Our students need to know and understand fully the course content and how it relates to the career path. Once they see the importance classroom control is easier.


Another common mistake that I have heard is for the instructor to tell the call that “we will not be using the assigned text.” This is usually done after the students have invested substantial capital in obtaining the book. This de-motivates students almost as much as telling students that one has never taught the course before.

signs of stress

We all deal with stress,family,friends,work, and commute.Realizing that you are stressed out is another problem. When you become short tempered, not feeling well, patience level is down, tired, irritable all signs. Look for the signs.and try to resolve them