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Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

Applying the knowledged you gained in training.

I agree that training is key to developing your leadership and management skills.  However, in order for the training to be effective, you need to put into action a few elements of what you learned each week.  Unless you practice these newly obtained skills and transfer them to the workplace, you will soon forget all that you learned.   Applying your newly acquired knowledge will enhance your current skills and allow you to be more productive and also maximize your performance and the performance of your staff.  I am now in the process of finalizing my PDLP and once I do I am… >>>

Leading and Motivating

I really enjoyed this course.   I am glad it comes to me at the beginning of the year, where you seem more excited and inspired to get the year off right in a new direction.

Althogh I wouldn't call it a resolution, I would like to take some time reflecting on what I have learned in the course, and how I can make effective change and modifications with my instructors at my campus.  This will take some time to devise a strategy and 'vision' on what we can roll out for the campus but more importantly for moving each instructor in… >>>

Waiting to say the right thing...or nothing at all

Waiting to make a decision or even saying something you may regret is an acquired skill I have been working on.  It is good to have this idea posted here to get some additional ways to wait, be patient until there has been time to see the situation from a few different points.  When you wait and take the emotion or energy of the moment out of your perspective, you may find that you do not even need to comment on what seemed so urgent when the heat of the moment was present.

Time Management via Medical instructing

Using Time management skills toward my Medical instructing program I am able to instruct my students, give them the information they need, provide them with focused instruction, and to complete tasks required by the program.

Handling Scope Creep

Some ideas toward handling scope creep are:

-breath and meditate on the problem before making a decision

-sleep on the problem for a day or two providing deadlines will be met

-clarify ideas on problems by communicating to stakeholders and maybe a possible internal workplace blog or threaded discussion

-getting everyones ideas involved can give the project manager a more enhanced way in making a sound logical decision

Lee Demuth

Feedback charts

I really enjoyed the pages that you have for giving feedback.  I have copied them, and am determining how I will utilize them.  This was very helpful to me.  I never really thought much about giving feedback (upward), but have given it laterally (usually just when I am asked) and I have given it below me.  I am still not clear on the difference between a performance review and giving feedback...but I believe I will learn as I grow in my position.  Wendy Campbell


At first i thought groupthink was a good thing but now I see the how it can stifle growth and creativity.

Permitting the "expert" to rise to the surface

I enjoyed the content of this course very much. One thing that I've noticed is that it is important to drop our egos as managers and realize that those we manage may very well have a level of expertise in an area greater than our own. Respecting and encouraging this is paramount to a lively, emotionally safe environment and it encourages loyatly which then impacts productivity.

Institutional Changes

I am glad I took this course.  It will be very handy to have the Smart goal setting tool under my belt in planning and preparing reports out of the new system we will be getting.

I was definitely in need of this course : )

So just a little light-hearted humor to this blog, I noticed today that I was enrolled in a Time-Management course and in perfect irony, I found that I needed to complete the course by the end of the day today and couldn't help but chuckle to myself in the realization that the was most certainly the course for me. More seriously though, for a pathological time-waster like myself, the Time Management course by the Harvard Business School was invaluably beneficial and I found the material well written and easy to assimilate. A number of techniques applied so specifically to me… >>>

Necessity of Training

I feel that training is necessary in order to achieve growth in your professional and personal aspects of life. They allow you a different way to think about real-life scenarios that you may have previously been unable to handle.

Break the ice!

Welcome to the brand new Management Performance Group! Simply put, this is the 80-20 rule in action! It’s probably safe to say that 20% of development is through formal training and 80% is through informal learning. We learn by doing and by sharing. So let’s get our learning community for Management & Leadership started. Who is going to break the ice?

Leadership Skills

Although all aspects of emotional intelligence are important, I think empathic listening allows you to really develop your leadership skills through building rapport with others. When you listen empathically you understand your audience and therefore you are able to create and build relationships with co-workers, students and develop a strong team.

The Direct Manager sets the tone.

We just experienced a promotion from within as opposed to a new manager candidate  hired from the outside. The wisdom of our company seeing the capabilities of this already oriented person to the flow of the workplace, the best skills and enthusiasm of each employee, allowed our whole team to exhale a sigh of relief. This manager has met privately with several of us as she navigates her new role and already the flow of efficiency had almost doubled.

If the daily structure is being dealt with by a mind that does critical thinking and problem siolving with minimal drama, the energy… >>>

Hiring the Right Faculty

I just finished a course on Hiring the Right Faculty.  I think this is such an important area to focus on for anyone involved in the hiring process.  Hiring can be very expensive and time consuming for everyone involved.  One of the biggest take-aways I got from the course was something called 'deal breakers.'  These are traits that new instructors must have.  Sometimes we assume (especially when we are working in specialty areas) that if an applicant has worked in the field and knowledgeable in a subject area, then they will be a good instructor.  Teaching something is very different… >>>

Still Learning

I found all of the material in the training helpful and very useful.  Being a first time manager, I know I have a lot of responsibility.  I have always held the theory that employees expect to be treated fairly.  I know this will be an up hill learning experience.  I have already finished my first week as manager.  I am looking forward to the future.


Stress management

This course supplies learning tools that will be effective not only in the workplace, but in a persons private life as well.

In the workplace, the stresses are wide a vary from department goals financial deadlines as well as the many personal conflicting issues that often develop due to the different personalities and beleifs.


I would encourage anyone interested in learning to relieve their stress TAKE THIS COURSE!!! It really is an awsome assistant to your day at work and away from work. Enjoy!!!!!

Customer Satisfaction

It takes continuous effort to maintain high customer satisfaction levels.

Sink or Swim

I can relate to the sink or swim employment situation, as most of my jobs have placed my in this dire situation.  Being that I am a survivor, I learned early to look for the key people and the tools I needed to succeed.  If I would not have taken the initiative to facillitate my own development, I would have ended up at the bottom of that pool, belly-up.

Stress Management

Recently took this course and found it to be very helpful in my job.