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ML 123

I benefited greatly from taking this course. I learned so much about the value of creating a collaborative relationship with one's supervisor.

Feed back

The course on feedback was good to read and it gave some examples to think about.


Coaching is the most effective way to gain "buy-in" from employees!

New Employees

Any good advice when going through the process of hiring new employees


This was a great course on time management.  There seems to be so little time left these days.  The key thing is putting it into action.

Project Managment

I enjoyed the project managment program. Its a great review course and foundation course for students.


This course was great-the material was well organized and very applicable to getting the job done.  Everyone hates meetings that go on and on and are a waste of time.  As a manager I sometimes have to attend these types of meetings and do my best so that my meetings with my team are concise and to the point.  This course was a great summary of what to do when and how and it works!  It has some extra tools at the end that you can use in word to keep you on track!

Completion of ML122 Difficult Interactions

I have completed the ML 122 Difficult Interactions course and I have learned some excellent strategies for difficult interactions with managers and coworkers.  I would love some feedback from some of you as to how to go about handling a manager who has a bully mentality and uses forums when other program directors are present to but you down and basically make you feel that you are lower than him when in reality he is insecure in his position and is constantly praising himself instead of others.  Please help me understand this mentality and way of thinking.  Thank you.

 Name withheld

This way to Leadership

I had some difficulty with this course due to my unfamiliarity with all of the different types of assessments. I have not had much experience and/or knowledge of many of them. This course has motivated me to do the research to make myself more knowledgeable and become a better leader. As far as PLDP, I was introduced to this strategy about three years ago and have developed and continue to monitor and track my progress. Having moved from Secondary to the Post-Secondary arena, I am revisiting my goals based on my new audience. I feel that the SMART goals are truely an effective way to identify where you are as a leader and where you want to be as a leader. As a result of this course, I am going to continue to challenge myself to be the best leader I can be.

Leadership Legacy

This course offered some very interesting discussions and perspectives as it relates to specific challenges through the eyes of William Bowen's book. I have always been concerned with the college completion rates based on the number of students that leave their High School experience and go off to college, only to find out that many are unprepared and many end up taking remedial classes that don't count towards their required credits and pushes their graduation date back by a semester or more. This only adds to the frustration and the completion rate. I totally agree with the statement that if the appropriate amount of funding were to be made available to the middle income population, that particular group would significantly impact the total number of graduation. Having a passion for Career Education and spending over 25 years working with "hands-on learners", I'm not surprised by the number/percent of students that graduate from Career Institutions. In my position, I am confronted with the "Regulatory Challenges" daily and I also find difficulty finding qualified personnel to fill are open positions. This course provided me the opportunity to reflect on my attributes and begin to define specifically what I want my legacy to be. Great information and strategies were presented.

Crisis Management

I just finished taking the course on Crisis Management. For me it was one of the best courses. As Managers, our biggest chalenge is dealing with crisis. I plan now to put a Crisis Management team together to identify those key challenges. Can anyone share with me if you have dine this and what suggestions you can share? What are your key challenges? Yvonne Cadiz


I feel that stress makes me less effective in my daily tasks and the day just drags. Do any one feel that way and which stress buster would you sugget to use?


In this course I learned valuable information about the differences in being a manager vs. leader and how to direct a vision. More importantly I gained a better perspective on how I should lead to inspire and motivate my personal. This information has opened my eyes up to new ideas on what I will be implementing to my staff. I have always saw myself as a coach and leaned to that style as a leader, however I need to change directions with different employees and this course gave me fantastic information on how to do that. Have you had trouble trying to help an unmotivated employee? or Have you had trouble with changing hats for different employee's? This course will show you how.

Effective Presentation

This was a very interesting course.  Sometimes we as instructors think we are effectively presenting the subject matter to our class, but after completing this course, I realize that they may just be there tuning us out.  Although we give them test on the course to meet the objectives, are we preparing them with the accurate skills in presenting to an audience?  I know now that the presentation I assign as a project in my class is a necessity, because I provide them with feedback on their presentations, and show them the areas that require improvement for a successful presentation.  I will uses the tips provided in this course as additional information for a successful presentation.

How to work with a stagnated employee

I have a employee who has lost their motivation and is constantly complaining and I have to work closely with this person. I am constantly upbeat and talking of the success we have accomplished but I am getting tired. What do you think?

Stressed about Stress Management

I enjoyed the module on stress management.  It was one of those "just in time" activities.  I was pulling my hair out, almost literally, trying to get into another computer training tool.  Tears were flowing!  I switched and opened the stress management tool and the topics and techniques just made me laugh at myself.  I may try it again when I feel overwhelmed and laugh at how silly I am at times trying to "control" what is not in my control.

Project Management in FDA Regulated Industries

I just finished the Project Management Course.  It provides a very good framework of the main process (Define, Plan, Execute, Monitor and Control, and Close); however, working for medical devices companies made me realize that we might need to fine tune the process to better fit the regulated environments.  Do you think that the process of Define, Plan, Prototype, Test, Monitor, and Iterate will better meet the needs of the regulated industries?

ML118 - Coaching Skills

The Coaching Skills' course provided a good example of a process to follow for incorporating coaching with direct reports.  Most beneficial was the list of reminders of what not to do such as talking too much, engaging in a coaching session when having a bad day or upset about the employee's behavior, not listening activity to the employee, etc.  In my workplace, there is rarely a day that is not filled with conference calls, meetings, webinars, emails, calls, reports, etc.,  Everyone always needs something now not later.  This creates a hectic environment and makes it difficult at times to make time to actively listen to my team members or deal with delays in receiving requested information, especially when it is not done correctly the first time. I have a sign in my office in front of my computer monitor that says, "be here now."  I continually have to remind myself of the value of doing so, which is reinfoced in this course.  Not sure if anyone else has that problem, but I know that I will continually work on this area.  Putting the i phone away is also helpful as the bombardment of work emails and text messages through there does not help either.

Leadership and Motivation

The leadership and motivation course provides valuable information on the difference between leaders and managers.  Additionally, it defines leadership and provides tools for assisting in successful leadership.

stress management

The stress management program has offered me the insight to better understand the difference between a good stress level and a toxic stress level. I am able to take this information and better myself in the work place.