Letitia Patterson

Letitia Patterson

About me


Because I teach at risk adult learners, they tend to have challenges staying engaged.  Every week, I check the gradebook to see who has missing assignments. I reach out to the students via text to find out how they are doing. Once I get a response, I then talk about the missing assignments and opportunities to complete them.



Discussion Comment

Hi Coleen,

I find it challenging with online learners in this area.  Because the student does not have the accountablility factor to an instructor like a face-to-face environment, it is easy for an online learnhr to hide.  If the student is not self motivated or reaches out or reaches back for help. they can beome disenchanted. THis situation leave little for an instructor to assit the student.



Hi Cyndy,

Because students are not required to attend live classrooms, it can be a challenge in reaching a student to establish an online relationship.  Even when emails, text messages and phone calls are made, students do not respond. If the live classroom/labwas required, it would be a great opportunity to connect with students.



This was an informative course. I learned about time management being beneficial to students. I never looked at it as helping the students' I only looked at it from the instructor poit of view.

I always follow up with my students and the reaction is very positive. Once I reach out to them, they tend to reach back.

Blog Comment

I just completed this course and was happy to learn about scaffolding. This is not a term I was familiar with so it was good to learn. With the students being our consumers it is important that we as instructors meet their needs. There will be students at all learning levels which is what made this course great. It talked about the level of consistency needs in areas that would make stusents successful.


I enjoyed the reading of the onboarding.  It makes you think about what is really going on.


At the online school that I teach at, they give us cell phones so we are able to call them if we don't see the student engaged within the first week. From there, the student tends to be more engaging after a "crash" lesson is given on the reality of online learning.

Without establishing a good connection, initially with the student, retention then becomes very challenging. In my experience, I find myself having to encourage a lot of my students as they do not have the coping skills necessary to succeed.  Every week, I send encouraging announcements and e-mails to help stay connected with the students because I teach 100% online.  The school does a good job with their retention efforts; I just wanted to focus on what I've done to assist in this manner.


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