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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.

Breaking issues into manageable parts

Tackling complicated issues requires that we break it down into manageable parts. I love the saying we dont eat an elephant in one bite. Breaking issues up makes it seem like a problem that can be solved.

Manage timing

How you can decide on how long will your meeting be for?

directive skills

Being firm with employees up front and you will gain respect quick!!

Change is Inevitable

Change is a good thing.

Company Vision

Positive change in todays world

New employee Hires

Information sharing/ best practices

one team

If we can always agree to to the best we can, then most times we can come together to do the job, but this does not always happen.

What is the best way to deal with a direct report who despises you.

What is the best way to deal with a direct report who despises you for being promoted over them, and who pretty much discounts everything you say.


I believe it is important to consider the employee's personality when making decisions on how best to approach him/her, when you are using constructive criticism in management.

Revitalizing an "old team" with "new tricks"

I am currently managing 15 team members and majority of the team are over 50 I am in my last 20's. I have been getting the worse treatment and seperation from this team. I dont know if it is because of the age, or is it something deeper. I have never been a "click" person.

Team Management

I feel that some of the senarios used in this lesson (test)could have had two possible correct answers. It depends on your management style. My goal is to use the most effective managing style to fit the needs of my team. As a new leader Im still working on ways to build my team successfully.

Team Thinking

As a team leader and manager I have a constant struggle with strong headed individualities. I deffinatly want them to be individuals but I need them to be a team. how do you strike this balance?

Organizational Change

How much and how often does it become too much? or does it?

Refreshing an already established team

Having worked with the same group for several years, the need to avoid stagnation occurs. With strong leadership and clear goals, a team must continue to strive for success. Complacency can be a common enemy, so encouraging new ideas has become critical. Each member must be reminded that his or her role is important.

Individual Contributor wants to become a TEAM LEADER

I have been with my current company for about 5 years now and have been the only one in my department. Over the years the school has grown and in my particular department, I am in need of additional help. Soon I will be faced with managing additional staff and wanted to be prepared for a leadership role and that is what promted me to take this course. I am solely responsible for this department. I have two concerns, one is that I will be afraid to delegate and leave responsibility to someone else because I feel ultimately it will fall on me. Secondly, because I feel that way I will continue to keep my plate full and not be able to grow as a team. I know that I have to work on this, but I know when I do something that it is not only done right but to the best it can be. Any suggestions on how to lessen controling behavior?

Team Performance

I have an opportunity in my position because a segment of the team I lead suffers from groupthink. Now that I'm aware of it I'm going to get it out on the table so that we can effectively deal with it and create some positive outcomes.

What traits do you believe make a good leader?

I believe integrity, honesty and compassion are all key to being a successful leader. I believe in utilizing a Democratic technique when leading. Getting your employees input and designating responsibility not only helps with motivation but also with the success of an organization. Some other traits are the ability to listen and react constructively and to align others towards a common goal and uncover common barriers that may inhibit an employee to do their job.

Leaders Maintain Motivation

How can leaders maintain themselves to stay motivated?


As a manager and a teacher I experience the parallels of managing instructors in the work-place and students in the classroom on a daily basis. Both roles require similar management and leadership skills. I believe no matter what you are managing, wether it be a classroom or an office, one must continuously "take inventory" of students and staff. How do you keep up on knowing what your students or staff need to excel in the classroom or on the job? Needs may vary from identifying and catering to specific student learning styles to identifying instructor (employee) weaknesses and ways to improve upon them.

Team dynamics

How do you accomplish team cohesiveness consistently with minimal conflicts?