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to monitor my own feelings and communications because they effect the students greatly 

Overall in academics it is vitally important to personally know your students and identify issues as the arise. If a student is absent from class, it takes the academic team to recognize their absence and reaching out to let the student know they have support for their academic success. Once a students know that someone cares if they are present, they will feel that they belong and will try their best to succeed which will overall increase retention.  

Treating students the way you would want to be treated shows them respect. Students learn by example, if we carry ourselves 

with confidence I believe the students will begin to do the same 

I will send an email to all veteran students that will remind them to see themselves achieving their goals.   I will meet with each student once per month to keep tabs on them and urge them toward their goals.  

Model = BE the example

Mentor = contact, listen and follow up

Monitor = Check in and hold accountable

Do all of these with care and sincerity.



I have noticed a difference with my students just by visiting with them everyday before class

I often try to interact with as many students as I can to ask about their day. The small gesture goes a long way.

Be sympathetic and Empathetic with the students show them you care with actions of noticing abnormal pattern changes.

Communication and follow up are paramount.

The model, mentor and monitor module reminds me to check-in with all students frequently. Make a connection and follow-up with students frequently. One method I've found to be effective is chatting with a student who was absent the day prior and acknowledging the absence. "hello, is everything ok? i noticed you were absent yesterday... please check-in with me when we have a few moments so we can review what you missed yesterday"

It's important for the students to know we care and we are here for them throughout their schooling or career in college. The students should feel that they are able to come to us and we will help them. So it's important for us to be mindful, available, and provide the specific attention they require from us.

I will be more attentive to those that I feel might have low self-efficacy. Most of those students might be the ones that lack experience. I will check in with them often to reinforce their confidence within themselves, in order to meet our retention goals. 

Like others here have mentioned, modeling, mentoring, and monitoring are essential for our students to succeed. My students don’t just learn from what I say, but from what I do as well. It’s important for me to model the behaviors and attitudes I want to see in them. Mentoring plays a huge role in the classroom—repetition and offering different viewpoints help students truly grasp concepts. By monitoring their progress on projects, I’m able to ensure no one falls behind. Being present for students, even outside of class, shows them that we care and are invested in their success.

My stand in life is to "make a difference in people's lives and have an impact on the world." I strive to do that with every interaction with my students. When we model, mentor, and monitor, we create an environment where students feel supported and motivated to reach their goals in life.

To effectively model, mentor, and monitor my students as an instructor, I will start by clearly articulating my personal goals and intentions. This transparency fosters an environment of trust and collaboration, showing students that their success is a shared priority. Regularly reminding them that I am here to guide and support them not only motivates them but also encourages open communication.

Additionally, I will implement structured check-ins and feedback sessions, allowing students to reflect on their progress and set achievable goals. By providing constructive feedback and celebrating their achievements, I can create a positive learning atmosphere where students feel empowered to take ownership of their educational journey.

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