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Because my campus is a virtual one it presents unique problems and opportunities in regards to this question. Many of the activities that would be possible in a brick and mortar environment is not feasible online. Online forums could be an outlet for students to interact. The problem would be on how to get students to participate in such forums.

Raising money for the local food bank, contests between programs, participating in community causes, taking students on field trips.

Good. All of this helps students to be engaged and to form relationships with faculty and other students. Another key to retention.

Dr. B

We do a number of fundraisers through our campus. We have developed a special events team, your have to earn your way onto this team, keeps students intrest and active. It also allows student to work together with others that may not have known each other before.

Our campus has many student programs that help keep the students involved. By being more involved in the campus and community student are more connected to the school and each other.

Thinking about your request made me think about just how many programs we have in place. Wow! They really add up. We have student drag racing events, bowling challenges, go cart challenge racing against the staff, adopt-a-highway campaigns, blood drives, Victory Junction volunteers, NASCAR day where they will get the chance at the staff on the dunk tank, NFL jersey days, motortsports volunteers, Ushers for the big race events, CAB, Student Link, Student mentoring programs, basketball challenge, we have done autocrosses, paintball tournaments and I'm sure I'm leaving out a few more. We have employees that are responsible for setting up these events but it is all of our responsibilities to support these events whenever possible.

Wow, you have many good programs in place. So, what do you think you can do to improve retention just 1 %?

Dr. B

First thing that comes to mind is don't let up. Keep doing what we're doing. Secondly, I believe we must be very vigilant in observing our students. We should continue to add as many activities as possible. Maybe car shows, bike shows, race night at local tracks, etc.

Yes, stay focused. Attention to retention, equals retention.

Dr. B

I always encourage our students to get involved with all the activities. Particulary the students that come to NTI to get a job in racing. At any one of the volunteering events we have they could meet thier future employer or make a contact that will help them get a job after graduation.

An activity that our school has just started that has had great success is putting a podium in the student common area where different representatives from different administration deptment stay and answer students question during their breaks. It has opened a informal line of communication for our students to address issues or just have simple questions answered without having to make appointments.

Thanks for sharing. A nice idea. Informal communications helps to form good relationships.

Dr. B

You know, this is key. Help students to network with employers early in the educational process. Your idea will keep their vision alive.

Dr. B

I think mentorships that are both instructor to student and graduating student to incoming newbie would be helpful. Also building in to each course 2-3 small in class group projects would be beneficial. All activities that build a sense of community are important. There could be weekly shows on the walls were students would offer their best work to be showcased.

Again mentoring is a great involvement for student, such as student that are new are paired with a student who has attended 3 terms or more. Award during graduation would be a great activity.

Great. So, how do you make sure that a relationship is formed with admin and or staff?

Dr. B

the nature of mentoring itself is a relationship

I think mentorships that are both instructor to student and graduating student to incoming newbie would be helpful. Also building in to each course 2-3 small in class group projects would be beneficial. All activities that build a sense of community are important. There could be weekly shows on the walls were students would offer their best work to be showcased.

Absolutely, I think peer to peer involvement and mentoring where appropriate is a core factor in retention

A list of retention activities might include the following:

Membership/Involvement of new students in the

Alumni Association

Mixers for students. Student clubs are encouraged to attend to “recruit.”

Career days in each major area so that students can see what choices might be made (not for recruiting, but for information and to establish contact.)

Freshman picnics.

Buddies. New students buddy with each other. A student who has been there a while will team up with a couple of buddies. Faculty will team with several groups.

Care package program. Parents and friends are invited to send treats/snacks and greeting (encouragement) to students during exams.

Interviews with random students published in the periodical newspaper of the school.

A ‘new student’ Newsletter.
Community mixers.

Volunteer opportunities on and off campus.

Special interest club “rushes.”

Student roundtables (televised) on campus/student issues including new student participation.

I am sure I will think of others as soon as this is posted.

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