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These are all great ideas. I think when students hear from successful grads it gives them encouragment that they have made the right choice.

I also use to teach befor the position I have now. I say the same thing to students that I know what they are feeling and then share a story they can relate to. I end it with "who knows one day you may be in this postition because of the steps you started to take today."

I really like the idea of giving them a homework assignment and having them introduce themselves to 2 other people that they don't know. Student Services always meet with them after their first day is done to see how everything went and then at the end of the week. We also have the student senators come into orientation to meet them and the instructors check in regularly. We are trying to implement a peer welcoming committee who would be responsible for introducing themselves and being available to answer any questions on a 3 month rotation. Does anyone else do anything like this? It is difficult for us because we have a flexible schedule at our school meaning that if a student is full time they have to be here for 24 hours (M-Sat).

I try to vary as much as possible the first week's activities. As an English instructor I may ask them to write a little about themselves. I may show a short story literature film and have them discuss it in small groups and then present it to the class.

I also like to learn everyone's name as soon as possible - seating charts help me with that. When I go around the room and have them introduce themselves I also have them tell us what is their driving force made them enroll and keeps them motivated, even when things get tough. I go over assignments, due dates, exam dates, procedures. I let them know what is expected in the 12 week course - no surprises.

Our department does a 'Meet & Greet' with new and returning students to get to know one another in addition to our deparment club which is open to all students within the department.

I think it´s important to involve more alumni of the institution.
They are in the best position to talk about us and their experience.
Today we include them in some activities but I think there should be greater involvement in the first week of class.

talk more

I am an instructor in a massage therapy program. A good part of our first class is getting to know each other. During my introduction I share my professional experience as well as some about my personal intrests.

For the student introductions, they share some personal information such as children and intrests. More importantly we share what brought them here to our profession and their goals upon completion of the program. I believe this helps them with their vision of where they want to be and also helps their classmates in supporting each other. In most classes we have students that are amazingly supportive of each other! Of course all this information helps me to be there for our students as well.

If you are able to involve them, that would be great! I agree they are a wonderful resource that we don't take advantage of enough.

Susan Backofen


Sounds wonderful. Building that kind of connection with each other at the beginning is important.

Susan Backofen

Let students know about the out of class room activities that the school offers. Those activities will help them integrate into the school easier.

We always go through and introduce ourselves and get to know each other. One thing I have a question about and don't know if there's an answer to. I am a Dental Assisting Instructor and our dress code is pretty strict and I know students have said this, but it is what most of the offices in the field require. Does anyone have an opinion regarding is this something we should not be going over the first day of class? I think I do a pretty good job of relating it to professionalism and the field of the reasons why, but when you tell some of these adult students they have to take a nose piercing out, or cover tattoo's, some are very offended. Any thought's?

We tell our students the activates at the institute offers.

We have a monthly calendar that posts events, but I've recently found that weekly newsletters with reminders of on campus events and activities have helped. I am lobbying for a classroom rep to read the activities and welcome everyone back to class each Monday. And partake in orientation and our open houses.

We have spirit week which consists of a theme each day. Cookies and quotes, trivia contests, scavenger hunts and of course pot lucks!


well, better you than not getting a job or losing a job because of this. I know they don't like it, but it is an expectation in the profession...and part of our job is preparing them with the soft skills to succeed.

Susan Backofen

Its important for the students to feel comfortable within the classroom and with myself. I introduce myself to the students and allow them to do the same. In the classes I have frequent discussions so that all students understand the material and can provide their personal experiences to the lesson plans. I provide ways to succeed and grow on an individual way. I have an open door policy to help them succeed.

Each student begins in level 1 which is a classroom setting. The instructor has each student fill out a learning styles inventory and spends most of the first day learning about her students. They play ice breaker games and help each other connect. Every Monday, we have a student huddle and the new class is introduced to the rest of the students. We pair new students with older students as part of our mentor program as well.

We have a fairly simple orientation process. During the first week of class we have events geared towards incorporating the new students into the program, food events-presented by some of the campus organizations to help introduce themselves work very well. We always chart attendance very carefully during the first week.

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