Susan Backofen

Susan Backofen

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Tamara, This is excellent...a longer term program to address student transition and resolving barriers. Great job! Susan Backofen
Keisha, It certainly sounds like you have a wonderful, close-knit and caring campus. Keep up the good work! Susan Backofen
Rachel , Sounds like a wonderful ice breaker! Susan Backofen
Shanika, ...and it's a great 'base line' for the instructor to make sure everyone's expectations are aligned. Susan Backofen
Fatina This is excellent information and really what I am talking about regarding sharing information that is gathered in admissions--all very helpful in the retention process. Susan Backofen
Fatina, This sounds like a great program of support...student ambassadors, a weekly meeting with the academic advisor and all the handouts. Great job! Susan Backofen
Pauline, Excellent! Keeping career services in front of them from day 1 helps them to keep focused on graduation. Susan Backofen
Michele, I always love to have current students participate. It gives the new students some 'real' insight. Susan Backofen
Garry, LOL I agree, FERPA training can be long and tedious. The information I am referring to here, however, doesn't interfere with FERPA. I am speaking specifically of things Admissions typically collects regarding barriers to goal completion, etc. This is helpful for others in the institution to know to assist in retention. Susan Backofen
Vanessa, Excellent! This is exactly the type of information that everyone can use to assist the students in attaining their goal. Susan Backofen

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