I actually worked on the accreditation team at my middle school. My assistant principal of curriculum at the time knew I had wanted some leadership opportunities so she put me in a group that ensured our school was meeting specific standards and indicators and we came up with evidence of this. As a title I school that relies on federal funding, we needed the accreditation to come through!
I learned how important it is to understand and to be able to comminicate to students why regulatory insight is so imperative to quality education and to their experience with the school's program.
Regional accreditation focuses more broadly on the institution's mission and effectiveness whereas national accreditation delves deeper into measurable outcomes (such as student attrition rates, etc).
I learned about the Triad Regulations. I actually am very pleased to see how they work together for the quality of the educational provider.
The hree levels that operating schools have to follow and maintain. The break down of each.
I did not realize that states are required to license and oversee distance ed schools (if it is being offered to residents of that state) and even if the school is located out of state.
I have learned about yjr Triad regulators and the structure it brings to our school.
Before students can enroll in a program, the school has to meet minimum requirements for academic standards by a regional or national accrediting agency (recornized by the Department of Education), and by a state governing agency if licensure or certification is required prior to graduates practicing in their field. If federal loans are going to be used as part of student loans, these schools must also be Title-IV eligible.
Reply to Barbara Martin-Goldsand's post:
I have been an instructor for many years and was not familiar with the
Regulatory Triad. This portion of the course was very informative and I
will apply this information. I was familiar with Title IV but the other was
new to me so appreciate learning this.
This topic has been pretty fascinating for me. For one, I am a nurse, so I understand the role of the State Board of Nursing, but I never quite understood the role of the accrediting bodies nor why they were important. Understanding that these accrediting bodies help ensure that students are getting the best education possible is a great benefit for schools. I didn't realize that schools aren't required to be accredited. Interesting information.
The Triad is in place to ensure the student is given the education and placement that the school offered.
To oversee the quality of schools, a governing board is needed so all comply to the same standards.
After more than 20 years in career education, I have become quite familiar with the Regulatory Triad. One school I worked with was placed on probabtion due to actions from pervious managers. With a new team, new goals, and strong commitments form staff and students, the school survived and is now thriving. What I liked in this presentation was the succinct way the Triad was presented. When i started, it was a steep learning curve. I wish I'd had something like this then.
The Triad has varied focuses that help ensure protection of the student and community.
I learned that each programs must go through its own accrediation process. The institution itself does not;however, some employers do prefer the certifications and training come from accredited institutions.
Triad of regulations plays a major role for IV funding.
This group is important to not only protect our student but also our industry. some trade schools give us a bad name, this group ensures that everyone is up holding standards.
The Triad helps oversee the quality and financing of the education we provide. The Department of
Education, institutional accreditors - regional and national, programatic and state boards agencies help us maintain our accredation to provide successful students in the work force.
Whats Achieved in the school individual classrooms highly affect the desired outcomes by the Triad of regulators. Students who thrive to their learning most likely graduate and get jobs....It shows the important roles of both instructors and students.
The triad is basically meant to ensure the quality of education covering its different importnt aspects; from funding to accreditation to coompliance