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Comment on Nikki Jackson's post: That is correct but for the department I work in students are in high demand.

Comment on Bridgette Cooper's post: Agencies like OAC and COE.

Regulatory agencies and accreditation assist in adhering to the compliance. 

its nice to see we are all held accountable from the schools to state government that the schools are running and doing what is supposed to be done for the students. I am glad the Triad of Regulations to oversee the educational and placement outcomes of students in schools.

Regulatory oversight ensures all schools meet the requirements for student licensure.

The Triad Regulators and that the state and national government are important in regulating schools.

The Triad of Regulations work together to make sure that educational institutions are meeting certain criteria and benchmarks in student success rates as well as job placement rates.  I also learned that even though the University is accredited through a regulating body to receive Title IV funding, certain programs still have to go through state accreditation for licensure or certification. 

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Regulatory Triad is something new to me as I have been in higher education for years. It allows the school to have structure and the importance of each of the separate regulations. 

I learned about how the Triad works and how they work together to regulate a schools roles and outcomes.

For the schools success in operations, the Triad of Regulations must be in place

Accreditation and state approval are both requirments for recieving title IV funding administered by the Department of Education.

Very inforamtional. Understandingthe triad is important for compliance.

The state board provides authorization for a school to operate.  Students must be Title IV eligible to receive financial aid. Schools must also attain the requisite program accreditation for graduate student programs.

I learned that the primary role of accreditors, through a series of standards and resources, is to ensure that their member schools are offering quality education and training needed for student success. 

The Triad of Regulations and Title IV funding how they oversee career schools.

The Triad of Regulation isn't something that im well-versed in but was good to get insight on its importance for the company. The entities work together to enusre the school is upholding the standards and regulations.

I was actually surprised that not all schools have to be accredited.  Learning about the Triad of Regulations was interesting in that there are so many different entities that go into establishing a higher learning institution. I would want my students to be knowledgeable of the quality of education they will be receiving and how it is monitored.

Each component of the Regulatory Triad work together to ensure that students are receving the best quality education to equip them for the workplace.

The differences between national, regional, and programatic accreditations and the corresponding agencies or institutions who act as controlling agents.

Compliance Training for Faculty Positions, particularly in the context of "Sustaining the Culture," plays a critical role in ensuring that educational institutions maintain the highest standards of ethical conduct and adherence to regulations. A key aspect of this training is understanding Regulatory Oversight. Faculty members, as the driving force behind an institution's academic mission, need to be well-versed in the regulations that govern their field and the broader educational landscape. 

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