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Prospective Student Interactions | Origin: CM102

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Raising the Bar - Compliant Communications with Students --> Prospective Student Interactions

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Schools should require background checks if the intended occupations for graduates require background checks to filter applicants.

In this module. I have learned that it is essential that our institutions provide students with accurate and relevant information. We should never promise or mislead students about their future career prospects. Instead, we can encourage them to complete their studies and pursue further education. It is crucial that students understand every detail of the paperwork involved and the significance of making a commitment. By providing complete and accurate information, we enable students to make informed decisions about their future careers.

Importance of developing and implementing a culture of compliance for the entire institution.  

Transparency is essential to represent the school, classes sizes, prices, graduation rate. 

Competition is everywhere, schools are not exempt from this fact. It is okay for schools to be proud of their successes. The foundation of their reputation is integrity. Be honest, encouraging and provide facts.  Facts that reflect the "normal" achievement, not the "extraordinary" are appreciated by students. If you want to "set the student up for success" then provide timely and honest information. 

Accurate honest information is extremely critical when dealing with students.  Words matter, and how you frame information to students can be misleading, even if that was not the intention.  

It is important to give correct and truthful information and to follow all state and federal guidelines with contacting students and never to make and promises about programs or guarantee they will make certain amounts or even gain employment.

Transparency is the key when recruiting, and conducting ourselves in an up-front and honest manner. We want to live by the Golden Rule of "Treat others as you want to be treated (if not even better)." If you put yourself in the shoes of the student, then you usually can't go wrong.

Honesty truly is the best policy. And the fact that there are secret shoppers to ensure that schools are doing what they are supposed to be doing is something that I am glad is in place but sad that it has to be done. I understand the reasoning behind it as I have heard so many stories of things that students have been told. 


During this segment, telling a student invalid or outlandish information is unacceptable and frowned upon.  

Institutions must maintain honesty in their interactions with prospective students. They are prohibited from making false promises about additional certifications, exams, job placements, or other benefits. It is crucial to uphold any limitations on conversations with prospective students to ensure transparency and integrity.

Honesty and accuracy of information should be at the forefront of all communications with students.

The importance of being honest and to provide accurate information.  

As a general education faculty member, I need to be hypervigilant and stick to the content I teach and not link the passing or failing of the course to any actions the college may take or any impacts on their future enrollment, careers, etc.

It's very important to know the rules, regulations and laws in your the state of your institution.

With students it is important that we are honest with them and give them accurate information. Promising them that they will be able to get a job if they got to this school is an example of what not to do. We can give them/ offer them the statistics we have on hand based on placements from previous years, but we can't promise them anything. They can look at the data themselves and make a decision based off the facts we know and have on hand. 

It is important not to guarantee or give any information that can be misleading. Every statement must be backed up by a reputable source.

It is important for all Schools and their personnel to follow all Local, State, and Federal Laws and Regulations. Staying away from misrepresentation is not only the right thing to do but It's also a way to gain trust from the public, future students, Active students, and graduates.

Institutions in each state are held accountable so therefore there should not be any misinformation or exaggerated information provided to prospective students about the enrolling process and the school.

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