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Class sizes, when building out labs and when admissions might be over enrolling into a particualar class section.

I most often reference the code of conduct which entails, but is not limited to, dress code, academic honesty, and integrity. All factors that along with many of the other codes make for a professional student and atmosphere. It helps to prepare them for the work place.

I use the school catalog all the time.I refer to the dress code and student attendance policy and student rights.Its so importence to know your school catalog.

I always refer to the dress code policies and the attendance policies.

Russell - I am glad to hear that you regularly reference the catalog! I find that many overlook this valuable source of information that contains a wealth of information.

I would say academic information, course descriptions and school information. I would also emphasize for the student...student guidance and advising; highlighting the resources we have avaliable to help them. I believe the Course description is the most vital because it gives an overview of credits, hours, etc.

I referance mostly the course syllabus, the requirements for the program. What is expected out of the student once they enter the program.

Agreed, attendance policy and dress code seem to be a hot topic. Eventhough our students wear uniforms, piercings and tattoos are a constant topic of conversation.

Program specific information, e.g. class descriptions, entrance requirments, externship hours.

I reference the catalog for various reasons, such as when dealing with stduent complaints and issues.

Here, we get several questions everyday about attendence and dress code policies. So we assist the current/future student with the issue and guide them to his or her student handbook.

transfer of credit and attendance policies


I would have to say the attendance policy. This is important because if a student does not attend class they will be setting themselves up for failure in the long run.

As Internal Auditor I reference many sections of our school catalog, but spend the most time on academic information for program credit/clock hours etc.


I often find that any department being reviewed/audited still ties back to some of the fundamentals of the academic information you reference. These topics are key to many aspects of a school's operations.

Traci Lee

Since I am a PD for RT, I make sure the students are familiar with the catalog itself and pay particular attention to the RT section related to curriculum, course progression, clinical specifics. I pay particular attention to the Attendance Standards and the dress code.

Attendance, and course desription.

The school attire is often the issue. But it is clearly stated in our catalog.

As a Program Coordinator, I most frequently reference the course listings (numbers and descriptions) and student policies; particularly attendance and conduct policies.

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