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Enrollment Agreement Questions

Do you find that students ask many questions during the admissions process about the policies or statements contained in your school's enrollment agreement?

Our students do ask a few questions, the #1 question is in regards to the refund policy.

Students tend to be most concerned with the cost of tuition and the refund. In the past, I have found that students often look past the program information and cost per credit hour, initially. However, its not until after enrollment that questions are brought up concerning the program.

Due to this, I'd ask questions about how the student feels about what they've read and if they understood the information given about the program, just to temp check on if they read the information. This allowed the student the opportunity to review the program specifics and ask any questions at that point.

The Enrollment Agreement is a vital part of the process. The student's understanding of its content is critical to their understanding of the enrollment process.

When students go directly to inquiring about the refund, it raises red flags. At that point, I start to ask more questions about the student's decision to go to school and what's important to them. For the most part, students will talk about their decision and what prompted it, which allows me to bring in a Financial Aid representative to discuss FA in more detail.

I always let the student ask whatever questions they feel are most important , then I will discuss the policies and outline of the school

Not too many. I typically find that most students are oblivious to enrollment agreements, etc. I feel the part of the whole process that they care about the most is anything pertaining to financial aid.

It really depends on the motive and the type of student that I speak with.
Some students do ask questions that are covered in our enrollment agreement such as: Do you have an enrollment fee?, accreditation?, and What are the essential functions of the program?
In my experience most students don’t ask about policies regarding withdrawing, refunds or Resolutions.

I could not agree more! It is so important to make sure the students not only read but understand the enrollment forms including the enrollment agreement. I see way to often that it only takes one or two minutes for the students to fully complete the enrollment forms. This always is reason for concern. When I see this I make sure to ask more questions and dig in a little to make sure the student is okay with the terms of enrollment.

Typically not. Their main focus seems to be primarily with tuition, fees, and cost.

I have found that prior college students seem to be more aware of asking questions regarding the the policies or statements because they have learned along the way that that is important material to know.

However, like most of the replies, the majority of the students I speak with are more interested in tuition, financial aid and their refund from financial aid. Unfortunately, many students are not knowledgeable enough to understand, or even care about what the policies or agreements are.

I can't remember one time where a student has every asked a questions based on the enrollment agreement. The majority of questions are in relation to tuition, books and fees as well as "job placement" help upon completion.

I would agree, in my experience a student upfront are interested in knowing about length of program and cost. Most I come in contact with later then want to read the policies procedures after they have missed classes or have been withdrawn. I do tell my students it is very important to have all the facts about a school you are mentally and financially going to invest in.

I don't think students ask about the policies in the school, they are more concerned about tuition cost, books, fees and financial aid.

No, I believe that they ask enough questions. They should want to know what they are signing. I try to explain to the best of my ability what is contained so that they do not need to ask too many questions though.

Sometimes yes but mostly read through the agreement as well

Yes, the students do ask many questions contained in the enrollment agreement. Most of the questions I receive revolve around tuition,job placement, class hours and what certificates do they receive.

There are many questions that arise throughout the enrollment. Most of those questions are related to the policies contained in the agreement. I have found that by performing a great interview and going through everything in full detail during the interview can help ease the prospects nerves when going through the enrollment agreement. The enrollment agreement is probably the most important paperwork we go through.

The only question I have received about the enrollment agreement itself is about the question about being able to perform essiential functions without assistance. I have worked with a few students that revealed they suffer from a disability and wanted to ensure before beginning their their program that they would have additional time in tests, would have access to tutoring, etc.

Those students are the minority. In my experience, a majority of students are concered with the application fee, tution, fees, and program length. Some students who have attended school before ask about the refund policy and at that point we explain every student must attend an appointment with a Financial Aid Analyst so questions like that can be addressed by the certified specialists.

I always allow the students to ask however many questions about the enrollment process and answer them appropriately.

Yes and we allow them to ask as many questions as they would like to ensure full understanding

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