Chad Pittman

Chad Pittman

About me


I feel that Compliance is extremely vital to follow so that students get a good understanding of processes and what is expected of them as a student. However, I also feel that Integrity is more important than compliance. I believe this because if you truly care for and believe in the student you are going to give them all accurate information and not tell them that the graduation to employment rate is over 95% if you are not sure. In addition if you are truthful with the students, don't bad talk other institutions and give the student the info they… >>>

Many of the students I speak with have not had much support or positive encouragement throughout their life. Sometimes when I talk with these students I feel that I am in counselor roll. I know that is not my job or that I am not authorized to be in that counselor roll. However, sometimes I struggle with reminding myself where the line is drawn between being an Admissions Representative and a counselor. Does anyone else have the same experiences and feelings? If so, what do you do to stay on the Admissions Representative side of things?

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