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Leadership Concepts | Origin: LS103R

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Your Leadership Impact --> Leadership Concepts

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

A good leader has passion and commitment to make things work and succeed. The leader shows the way by example.

Leaders should always think about the impression they model for their team through their work ethic.  They should learn to truly understand what makes their employees tick and build upon it for a more positive, growth oriented mind set.

Leaders must understand what they bring to the table and how to adapt.

Being understanding and leading by example are key tenets to building a team's confidence in its leader.

Employees are assets and as such have value. Interaction and taking an interest in these people will pay dividends to all.

Employees welfare should be a top priority for leaders, as it positively impact the bottom line

I enjoyed watching the documentary. It was inspiring to see how the principal led by examples and showed care and concern not only for the students but for the teachers and families. I learn that good leaders provide opportunities to support and grow their staff emotionally and professionally.

Lead by example, as the leader leads, the troops follow. When you are committed your team will also see the value

What I have learned from the documentary on Leadership is that it was the full commitment and the deep belief of the leaders that inspired and pushed faculty and staff to invest and improve both themselves and their school communities.  It is the sacrifice of time and the demonstration of that commitment that said a lot about the women who led.

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