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Motivation through Innovation | Origin: LS105R

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Your Leadership Toolkit --> Motivation through Innovation

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

I have been dealing with issues regarding performance for months. We have meetings. We go over the expectations. Yet we end up coming back to the same issues over and over. I am going to try this approach at the next meeting. Instead of saying whats all being done wrong. Im going to focus on what we are doing correctly and how to then use those successes to change the failures in other areas into positives

Appreciative inquiry.  This is something I will use to help the team feel heard.  

Incorporating motivational techniques and innovative strategies in leadership and teaching can lead to increased engagement, productivity and performance. 

we can present challenges in a new light with a focus on what's working and expand on that. 

I LOVE this section... the tools "Setting the Stage" is a literal blueprint for PROACTIVELY taking ownership of your leadership, communications and how you motivate. Eliminating "limiting: mindsets, facilitating innovation and always "structuring" verbiage to become a precursor to the thoughts, ideas, concepts that you want to address, solve or bring attention to. This approach really resonated with me as it relates to owning facilitation of successful communication.

I think being a leader that you have to set the stage for your employees. Everyone has a different mindset on how their job or role should be performed. However, being a leader it is our responsibility to assure that the structure is there from the start, and make sure if we see a struggle that we are there to assist them during that time.

Always look at what you are doing well and limit your focus on what is going wrong. This motivates the team to see more opportunities to improve rather than seeing what we are doing wrong. 

I have not been leading well.  WOW!

My team and I are going through Appreciative Advising certification for coaching clients/students, and it is interesting to see the parallels between it and appreciative inquiring. Appreciative Advising includes other steps though incorporating "disarm" at the beginning and "don't settle" at the end. Though we apply it towards our students, it is important to remember to apply it internally.

I need to ask better questions!


The steps of Appreciative Inquiry. Make the team feel comfortable through a positive environment. Focus on what is working well and continue to make those investments. 

I'll agree with many of my colleagues here. Appreciative Inquiry provides a reasonable approach to altering a negative culture.

Appreciative inquiry fosters innovation and a sense of belonging in a team

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