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Stinking thinking will always bring you down. Please the book by Lou Tice, "Positive Self-Talk". You will find this a great introduction to thinking differently.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I completely agree. It definitely reduces my stress knowing that Christ is in control and I don't have to know all of the answers. I rarely get a 30 minute lunch so exercising on break can't happen but my dogs and I walk a lot in the evenings. They help keep me stress free.

Good for you. Your faith keeps you with hope and purpose

Dr. Gary Carlson

Focus on something that is equally or more important. Have a high level of confidence that the outcome will be a success. This will elevate the needed drive to go back and address the more stressful issue.

I encourage walking around the building outside a few times helps to clear the mind

What are referring to is the faith you have for your ability and optimism. These are strong traits for a leader.

Dr. Gary Carlson

It is good to take a step back sometimes to think with a clear mind. This technique allows you to reflect without emotion and without outside influence. This works just to prepare for the next step.

Dr. Gary Carlson

Spiritual, mental and physical activities help me to alleviate stress.

All of these techniques are great. The secret is to practice them always. Don't leave any out. This helps to back you life in balance.

Dr. Gary Carlson

One way I have learned to handle stress in the workplace is going outside to walk in the parking lot. I actually work better understress verses if I did not have stress. Working to meet a quota everyday is challenging but if you love what you do you will do it passion.


There is good stress which creates motivation with a reward at the end. Negative stress comes from a trauma or emotional depression.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I've had to physically and emotionally distance myself from toxic colleagues and re-frame my responses to triggers.

Being in control of your own destiny and behavior is important to your success. Negative talk and saboteurs can make this difficult. You can maintain optimism and control of your thoughts when you have the discipline. In time the positive talk will over rule the saboteurs. Keep an eye on your performance and integrity. You will be respected for it.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I go to the gym, try to not take things personally, talk to a psychiatrist to help me deal with stress, try to enjoy some hobbies. I know this may be a negative attitude but, since what happens outside of the workplace does not seem like a concern to my job,meaning you talk to your manager and he just ends up blowing you off in the end all in the name of the bottom line with no regards to how this affects my personal life, I give back the same attitude. 2 wrongs dont make a right but I can control how the job affects me, and when family health and personal physical and mental health is affected you need to take care of yourself,that is my bottom line. No job is worth losing your health or family.

Having a healthy life style with balance in your other stress reliever activities is a good practice. We all need to acquire the ability to not let others behaviors affect us in a negative way. Our talent is to understand others poor negative attitudes and not let them give us a setback on our lives. Keep looking forward to your goals and achievements.

Dr. Gary Carlson

Exercise is one of the ways that I handle stress. Taking the 20 minutes away from my work area, walking, breathing and thinking of other things during that "break" often helps with the daily stress that I may encounter. Having a hobby such as gardening is another way I de-stress at home. Having good friends to talk to and get advice and new ideas on how to counter a stressful time also helps me.

Hobbies are great to take us away from our day to day challenges. If the hobby is restful and helps us to enjoy our day it can help us face other challenges with a clearer mind.

Dr. Gary Carlson

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